DADA Class with Alaster Moody

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As me and Draco enter the classroom we sit down at a table together. When everyone gets into the classroom he asks a weird question.

'Can anyone tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?'

'Three Sir' Hermione says

'And why are they called that' he says writing it on the board.

'because they're Unforgivable. If you use one of them, you earn a one way ticket to Azkaban' she answers.

'Now the minister says you're to young to know what they do, I say different' He yells 'You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared!'

'Weasley!' He yells

'Yes' Ron says

'Stand up, Give us a curse' Moody Loudly whispers

'W-well ma dad did tell me about one, the imperious curse..'

'yes, your father would know about that' he walks over picking up an insect 'imperio' the insect starts to be controlled, He flicks it onto people, they begin to scream, He throws it on Draco, I see his smile go down and mine begin to form. I look down as he begins to hit my arm. But then the mood changes, professor moody starts making it seem as he would kill the poor creature, He brings the creature back into his hand, he asks Neville for the next curse,

'th-theres the cruciatus curse' he mumbles. the teacher brings him over to the Insect.

'Crucio' he says pointing at the bug, you can see the pain both the bug and neville is in.

'Stop it can't you see its bothering him!' I yell. he brings the insect over to my desk.

'Perhaps you can gives us the last unforgivable curse, MsRid-Gore' he says I look away.

'Avada kadava' he says killing the insect instantly, leaving a tear go down my face. 'Killing curse, only one person is known to survive it, and he's sitting in this room'


As we leave the classroom and walk downstairs we see Neville, looking out the window,

'Are You okay?' I say putting my hand on his shoulder. he doesn't answer, I hear Harry, Ron and Hermione coming, I look at Draco his face beginning to show disgust as he watches them come closer, I grab his hand and pull him down the stairs he nearly trips but then his balance begins to regain.

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