The Two 'Goons'

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As I sit on the Slytherin Leather couch in my reworn bc fast fashion is gross white dress and black jumper with CHUNKY BOOTS. [A/N im currently going through and changing outfits because I made this when I was twelve n omg how many outfit changes does this book have!!!!!!! ty for reading tho :)]

 [A/N im currently going through and changing outfits because I made this when I was twelve n omg how many outfit changes does this book have!!!!!!! ty for reading tho :)]

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Draco was out looking for Gregory and Vincent, when they came back the goons seemed different, they where questioning If he was the heir to Slytherin haha he wish he was, if anything I was, like yes I know where the chamber is but I didn't open it. Theres a monster inside their, I guess someone else is the heir I wonder who?

'Muffliato!' I say pointing at Draco starting a buzzing noise in his ear, ' Harry, Ron you have to go, you guys are slowly turning back!' I exclaim while Draco's hearing starts coming back.

'What was that for [y/n]!' He yelled at you

 'no reason' you giggled, 'Now its getting late go take a shower and go to bed!' you say biting your lip. 

'Yes Ma'm!' he says "Night!' he adds on and walks upstairs to bed.  Soon Crabbe and Goyle walk in the room u death stare them and they head of to bed. you sit on the couch and read for a little until you eventually fall asleep, you soon feel two hands carry you up stairs and wake up to Draco Tucking you in bed.  You eventually fall back asleep and dream, you dream of a voice, it was Voldemorts voice 

'Im coming for you' he said and you wake up, you look at your clock it reads 4:07am you get up, and get changed into my long sleeve black dress and threw oversized grew shirt over it. I put on my chunky shoes again and made my way out the door. 


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I heard the voice again ' Kill Harry Potter' he said I rushed out of the Slytherin dorms and common room, and into the chamber of secrets I went. 

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