Chapter 3; I Love Him To Much To Say No

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You closed your eyes for a second, blocking out the image of your sister holding you, Crying and weeping of not only for her losing her fiancé, the love of her past and future who died in front of her every eyes but you almost dying in her arms as well.

She like Levi was overcome with rage and vengeance and attack the Titans.

But she's not Levi.

And thus that rage and vengeance killed her and not a body could be salvaged, that damn Titan have bite her in half before eating her whole. You shake your head of the unseemly scene memory but it came to Levi as if you don't want to answer his previous question.

"I came to bring you back and so you don't get sick, brat." Unknowingly to you Levi also added a few thoughts words 'I came to keep you out of the rain.'


Petra has found her corporal horse and his almost worn out lantern, she heard from hanji for the past 7 days his been here in this cemetery only for the Survay Crop. Soldiers, Petra didn't know why exactly but maybe because he needs to mourn? Though whatever it is she wants to be by his side, to stand by him.
But Petra eyes shone with hurt of the scene because what Petra didn't know is for the past 7 days Levi was with (YN), and this is what her captain been doing.

Chasing after a broken little girl.....

Even though despite the sudden attack of agony, petra sometimes asks herself why she felt so deeply for him. Yet the only answer that she could get to is; 'She just did.'

Love is such a dangerous and beautiful thing.


You nodded, unaware of another person close by, grabbing the cape from your head and holding it higher so both of you and him would not get wet. Levi didn't complain despite his annoyance you were taller and had the obvious advantage. Even if both of you and Levi are only sitting.

"Let's go back?" he asked you at last. The rain came down harder on the both of you, and you suppressed a shiver when lightning flashed in the sky.

You shake your head as a responded. The thunder rolled, and this time you did shivered. You remember how Levi look when he killed that Titan when it ate Isabel, farlan and you were almost on the menu.


Petra knew the whole incident of what happen to them 7 days ago apparently you and (YSF) want to surprise (YS) by putting the lanterns on a square shape a bit far from the cabin and there (YS) and (YSF) can celebrate there anniversary with a simple picnic dinner but as you and (YSF) was sitting up everything a 7 meter abnormal Titan came running towards you.
(YSF) told you to go get help while he fend it off giving you and others some time to get there. Luckily by the time the others arrive they killed the Titan but that wasn't the end.

(YSF) was injured and have to stay behind and you have to keep an eye for (YSF) by Levi orders but you wanted to help the others. So you grab (YSF) and leave him high on a wide tree branch and told him to stay until you or the others return. When the Titans in your comrade's side have gone to little numbers you immediately went back to (YSF) but there was a crowd of Titan you counted SIX and the rest are just 5 meter Titans.

You weren't a captain for nothing, Levi was the one who trains you after all when you and he were younger. In the underground city you, Isabel, farlan and Levi would train and make a heist, then mock the military Corp, only to have your older sister scold the four of you but she would cook the stolen food nonetheless.

It's wasn't much but it was something you and Levi wish to go back to. A simple hard life in the underground but with each other, with memorable happiness, a family.

You weren't the best like Levi, you're not as fast as Levi but you're stronger than him you can easily use one blade to cut the Titan's neck. You can cut deep enough but you don't have a fast movement and so you were caught, and smash, you did escape only to be grab once again.

Then the rest is history.

When Petra hear of the incident of the Titan attack seven days ago she immediately told the others about it and the next day she, your friend and (YS) friends together went to the infirmary to pay their respects and see how well your doing or if you want a shoulder to cry on.

The next three days when Petra was about to ask you about some paper work concerning about your squads, and she so happened saw something she wish she has.

At that time it's only conspiracy, rumours and gossip it was never been officially explained or gather any hard evidence to prove unless you count hanji screaming she found you and corporal were getting super comfortable in his office. Specifically him sitting in his chair shirt buttons open, hair at different directions and a very flushed (YN) straddle on top of corporal Levi lap with a old bite mark on your shoulders.

And how did Petra knows?

Well let's just say when she wanted to be confirmed about it with hanji and Hanji gave her a very detailed answer but still who would believe hanji? She named a Titan!

But maybe those rumours are true. Like how stories or legends come from history or something like that.

What Petra saw at the infirmary wasn't lewd, the two of you were barely touching. When Petra was about to open (YN) doors she heard her corporal voice. (YN) and him were talking about that day incident and so like any curious human she peeked and eavesdropped.

And for petra only watching them talked in few words that barely make a sentence. She realises the two of you are better communicating through each other's eyes and at that moment for the first time Petra saw how much corporal Levi eyes can be so bright like silver and how a small smile barely showing his teeth or reaching his eyes can be so...

Charming. No
Contagious. No
Indescribably? Maybe

It was the only word she could think of at that time.

She Petra Ral who's is love with Corporal Levi Ackerman for who knows how long, wish she have or could have that connection with him. She loves him, yes.
So of course she wanted to be the one who held a shelter over his head when his rain came down and tries to drowned him. She would take an order without any doubt or hesitation if her captain said so.

Petra learned quickly that day, that she could not – and was not - the woman he needs or wants. She couldn't defy her captain, be stubborn or says a no to him. She love him to much for that. She loves him too much that she's willing to change if it meant she get to have him look at her like he did to (YN) at the infirmary.

Petra figured both (YN) and corporal did have deep hurts in the rain that brought them together.
So what? Wasn't that enough? Weren't (YN) and Levi not enough to be close friends? A trusted comrade? A memory from a ratchet past.

Why can't Petra have that deep bond, a strong connection with.

Where they meant to be more?


To be continued~~~~

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