
365 21 12

You call me names in front of our children,

Believing the next day all will be forgiven.

You are a liar and a manipulator.

You are a bonafide instigator.

You scream, stomp and yell.

You make me feel like hell.

I believe you are the devil in disguise,

Running around and spreading your lies.

You love to tell people that I’m crazy,

Mean, arrogant and downright lazy.

What you seem to forget about your little plan,

Is that I’m a lot smarter than you, little man.

So run and cry and spread your little lies,

Karma is about to give you a big surprise.

Copyright © 2014 


~There are 8 poems so far in this collection. To read the next one, simply scroll to the bottom right of this poem and click on Twenty Dollars.

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