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  • Dedicated to D.

You call and cry to everyone I know,

They all realize that it’s just for show.

Your threats are starting to get old,

Your words are merciless and cold.

You love to drink and swing your fist,

You once made me wish I didn’t exist.

What you don’t know is that I no longer care,

No longer embarrassed that people are aware.

 They’ve seen the bruises you’ve given to me,

The ones you thought no one would ever see.

 I said I would leave you and get away,

You said you’d first see my body decay.

 I am no longer afraid of you and soon you will see,

What will happen the next time you f**k with me.

Now don’t get me wrong because this is sure not a threat,

You’ll soon destroy yourself  'cause Karma never forgets.

Copyright © 2014 


~There are 8 poems so far in this collection. To read the next one, simply scroll to the bottom right of this poem and click on Karma.

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