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It has come to my attention I have not written a seven minutes in heaven or a daddy imagine for this book.

I am horribly disappointed in my self.

So here's two imagines in one with Sir Fredrick Weasley and Sir Georgious Weasley

Idek ok?



I look at the circle of Gryffindors in the Room Of Requirement and wiggle uncomfortably on my cushion bringing my hoodie over my legs. I flap the long sleeves waiting for more people from the house to come.

Fred sits to my left and George to my right and I smile slightly.

"If I'd known we'd be all here I'd make an effort to get dressed."

I say softly and George chuckles lowly.

"I think your shorts and my hoodie look sexy on you."

He purrs in my ear and I blush tugging the hood over my face and wiggle my hips more trying to get comfortable on the cushion, or just some fabric that Ron called a cushion.

Warm calloused hands grabbed my waist and took the cushion and put a softer one there, George stands up and I look at him and smile my hood falling down.

I stand up and take his hand sitting him on the cushion and sit on his lap and cross his hands over my stomach and lean back into his chest and take a nap before everyone gets here.


Someone whispered and I moaned in protest.

"No, I dunwanna ge uuup, Go way"

The person chuckles and I open my eyes and rub them yawning and look at the faces and blush hiding my face in George's chest.

"Why'd you wake me?"

I mumble and he turns me around to the group and points to the small firewhiskey bottle on the floor and I look around.

"Seven minutes in Heaven."

Harry starts.

"I get it, spin it whoever it lands on I get to go into that there closet seven minutes yah yah, lemme sleep."

I spin it reluctantly and it lands on me.

"Woo just me." I say but they laugh. "More like you and one more."

 I groan and George blushes and takes my hand and kisses it.

"Shall we Miss Wolf?"

I nod and stand up helping George up and walk into the closet, George follows and it locks from the outside with magic from someone and someone starts a magic timer showing in the closet as well.

"Well Miss Wolf-" George purrs softly in my ear and I squeak giggling shoving him away slightly and he grabs my waist.

We flirted sure, but we were only friends and I didn't want more, maybe. {Same my dude, like heh. \_(o,o)_/     }

George pulls me to his chest and nips my ear slightly, heat fills my body and I whimper slightly gripping his shirt.


He pulls away and looks at me.

"I love you."

The words slipped from my lips and I gasp slightly hiding my face, he gently removes them and tilts my chin up.

Harry Potter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now