Chapter 3: The Student Council

Start from the beginning

"Watch your left!" I hear Xerthia say to me. I look out to my left side to see a small swarm of Dreadnaught charging me, a few leaping up at me. I smirk wide as I swing my arm out, the machine arm following and smacking the small swarm with its reach. The swarm is unable to fight against this arms power, and get sent flying back and away. As they fall I watch a few students run up to them, dealing the final blows to the Dreadnaught.

"Thanks, Xerthia. I was lost in thought," I say to her, giggling a bit.

"This is no time for error. We must seal this gate," she says.

"You're right, but, how?" I ask her, looking around.

"The structure of the wall is built to keep Ascenders and Dreadnaughts at bay, only a strong physical force could have broken that structure. I Recommend a revival spell,"

"Revival spell?"

"Yes. Under Planetary Ascension, you can use revival. This spell brings organisms and creations back to life, or in this case, repair the wall,"

"Who would know how to use a revival spell?" I ask her as I see a few Dreadnaughts get sent through the air over my head, looking in that direction. I see a figure with a large sword and oversized fist charging towards the Dreadnaught behind us. It must be Azura. I watch him charge right up to us, before flying past us to cut a Dreadnaught down.

"Stop spacing out, Suzuka! Or I'll have to beat some sense into you!" he yells at me as he hits another Dreadnaught back, the gate still being a little ways away.

"Azura, can you use Revival spells?" I ask him as I jump next to him, before using the machine arm to hit another Dreadnaught in front of him. We start to run to the gate, neck and neck.

"Revival? Hell yeah! How can that help here though, nobody has been that injured yet" he says cutting down another Dreadnaught.

"You can use it on the gate to rebuild it! We need to repair that wall!"

"Sounds like a good plan, failure! Just keep my back covered!"

"Ignoring that comment, but I'm on it! Xerthia, take his right side! I'll cover his left!"

"As you command," Xerthia says as she splits away from me, taking her place on Azura's left side. We continue to rush down a trail, the Dreadnaught horde beginning to break its way past the defensive wall of guards and students. I watch Azura grin softly as he readies his sword, jumping forward for a speed boost. Xerthia and I both hit the ground and jump forward as well, keeping speed with Azura. The horde of Dreadnaught was now in front of us. I hope they're ready for a good fight.

Directly in front of us there are two of the large Dreadnaught from before, with large cannons on their backs. A few students from the disciplinary committee along with guards were shooting spells and bullets at the Dreadnaughts, with little effect. Both of the large Dreadnaught were now pointing their guns down, charging with energy ready to fire. I won't let anyone die here. I quickly jump up high so I'm face level with the Dreadnaughts as I fly over the students, the machine arms extending out. Each arm grabs one of the Dreadnaughts by the face, before they begin to roar and push back against it. I channel my energy and scream out, pushing the Dreadnaughts. "Ahhhhhhh!!!" I shout out with a smirk on my face, overpowering the Dreadnaughts and shoving them both back quite a feat. The large size of them pushes the entire horde back, giving the disciplinary committee a chance to regroup. I land back on my feet and start to walk forward, continuing to drive the Dreadnaughts back.

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