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"I should really work on that sleeping schedule.."

Karma was rambling to herself. Last night she had told herself she was going to sleep at 8 and was going to wake up at 6, instead she went to bed at 1:30 and woke up at 5.

She couldn't go back to sleep so she just got up and ready for the day. Today was her first day attending college so she wanted to make a good impression.

She put on a button up shirt and wore a jumper over it and fixed up the collar around her neck. She also put on some skinny jeans and converse shoes, and to top it off, a beanie that lay somewhat sloppy a top her head.

She looked at the alarm clock that sat on the night stand besides her bed.

"5:37.. hmm.."

She didn't know what to do at this time in the morning, considering how class started at 6:45. She didn't want to socialize.. of course.. but she didn't want to be stuck in this boring room. Karma let out a sigh.

"Maybe..." She thought to herself. She took out her phone from her back pocket and went to her contacts. She scrolled through the A's  to find the name she was looking for.

She finally found it and was about to click it but stopped. Her thumb hesitated over the name.

'What if she's still asleep? What if I'm being a burden? I don't want her to be upset with me..'

After a couple minutes of thinking she finally clicked the name. It rang for a couple seconds then someone picked up with a tired yawn.

"Hey Alyzza, it's me"
"Can 'me' be more *yawn* specific?"
"Ugh, It's Karma"
"Oh..oh! Sorry just woke up."
"I know, I'm the one who woke you."
"Yeah, yeah, what the funnel cake are you doing up this early??"
"Eh, couldn't sleep. Do you know any where I could go before class this early? Like maybe a park or a place to eat?"

Karma had lived in this city for years, her whole life in fact, but she never was familiar with this part of it. She was lucky enough she had friends, like two, who lived in this part of town or she'd be helpless.

"...Hmm? Oh! Sorry, dozing off there.. a place to eat? There is a coffee shop around where you live, cute little place."
"Is it walking distance?"
"Totally! It's the same one I took you to with Frosting!"

Elizabeth Frost, another good friend of Karma. She earned her nickname due to how sweet she is. She is the most innocent of the three. And each of them have a nickname. Alyssa's nickname would be Bitch Queen, one: due to her obsession of dogs, two: her and Karma don't get along from time to time. But only Karma calls her that.

As for Karma's nickname.. well, Karma is her nickname short for Karmina. She hated it at first but it grew on to the point that's what she used as her real name. She wrote it on papers for work and Checks. She used it for everything.

"..Karma? Are you still there?"

She flinched at the loud voice coming through the phone and slowly came out of her thoughts.

"Y-yes, yes I'm here, can you send me the address?"
"Sure thing! Have good day, Karma!"
"Yeah, yeah whatever."

Karma hung up. After about two minutes, she got the address. She grabbed her bag, and put on a coat and a thin scarf due to the weather. She looked back at the clock.


She put on her glasses, and pushed them up the bridge of her nose. She took a deep breath and walked out of her apartment and into the colorless world.

Well that was fun. Hope you enjoyed! I'll update soon (No promises)

 Coffee Shop [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now