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Luckily, the coffee shop wasn't that far. Karma was low on money so she couldn't afford a car, and the relationship with her parents wasn't the best at the moment so she couldn't ask for extra money.

She walked along the sidewalk, glancing at her phone from time to time, to see if she was going the right direction.

She was about a block away when she stumbled upon a community rose garden. She decided the coffee shop could wait and she entered the garden.

Each rose amazed her, although they were just different shades of grey in her eyes. She took out a sketchbook from her bag and began to lightly sketch a bundle of them.

Karma wasn't the best artist in her eyes, but other people loved her art. It brought them hope and joy. But she couldn't see it.

She finished the drawing and put the book back into her bag. She left the garden with a faint smile on her face and continued to the coffee shop.

'See? I can still enjoy things without having to see color! Who needs a stupid soulmate anyways? They're just a distraction..'

Karma is color-blind, and what does that mean? When you're color-blind, you have yet to find your soulmate. You can't see any color until you and your soulmate touch, even if it's for a brief moment. It only happens when you touch unless you are comfortable with your soulmate, enough to share a kiss, then you can forever see the colors.

There is a downside of this though. When a your soulmate dies, so does the cover of your world, which would explain people crying out of nowhere in the streets.

That's something that scares Karma.

Because of this, Karma.. well she doesn't believe in love, all she sees is rejection and heartbreak. She sees it as a waste of time. She's gone 18 years without color, she's sure she can go the rest.

She finally made it to the coffee shop, and Alyssa was kind of right, it was a cute little place. It had big windows, assuming there were windows on the sides of the building. Beneath the large windows, there were flower beds with cute little flowers of all kind.

The building was set near a rather beautiful-actually- gorgeous lake. And with the remaining snow around some parts, made it shine even more.

Karma remembers when she was here with her friends. Alyssa had said she loved the color palette of the building, saying she enjoyed the soft colors known as pastel.

Alyssa was the first out of the three to find her soulmate. She had found hers when she was about 16, and now they're inseparable. Karma and Elizabeth haven't found theirs, of course. So from time to time they have to ditch Alyssa somewhere so they don't have to hear about her 'color' nonsense.

Karma let out a sigh and looked to the ground. After a few minutes, she looked back up at the shop. She had social anxiety from time to time and now might have been one of those times. She took a deep breath and entered the shop.

Once in, she didn't look up, she didn't want to be faced with fancier dressed people while she wore the clothes she wore. God I must look like a nerd... I mean I am one... But still..

The line was short which relieved her. She looked at the menu that was above the cashier, and looked a the prices for her drink. But one thing caught her eye:


( There will be a color test so don't try anything)

Well then. There goes fifteen dollars.

"Um.. Excuse me? Ma'am."

Karma turned around to face source of the voice, but due to height had to look up a bit. She faced another female, looked to be about 19 or 20 years old. She had short hair and her bangs covered her left eye. Her fashion was also kind of interesting...

She wore a shirt that exposed her right shoulder, revealing a tattoo of a flower with pedals flying off and it continued up her neck. She wore black (or a dark color to resemble black through Karma's eyes) ripped jeans and flats. She had worn gloves but not the kind to warm you up, they were fingerless and went to her elows. Surprising, especially with this kind of weather.


Karma snapped out of her thoughts.

"Are you going to order your coffee, or stand here and look pretty?" This girl replied with a smirk that lay across her face.

Very bold move

That last statement took Karma by surprise but she ignored it and realized it was her turn to order. That was fast..

She went up and ordered. Once she got her coffee, she quickly sat down at a table by one of the big windows, but this was the one with the view of the lake. Karma smiled to herself.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Karma jumped in her seat, nearly spilling her drink and shattering the glass cup on the ground. She regained her balance and looked at the empty chair across from her, only, it wasn't empty anymore. The same girl from earlier was now sat in that chair, looking out at the view with a small smile on her face.

"Yes.. it is" Karma replied
"Not as beautiful as you" the girl replied turning to face a flustered Karma.

Is she.. flirting with me? This better be a joke.

"Are you new here, because I'm sure if I saw a face like yours I wouldn't forget it."
"Um.. well technically I've lived in this city all my life. But I'm unfamiliar with this part of it."

Karma replied awkwardly, then taking a sip of her coffee.

"How old are you?"
"Eighteen as well"
"Okay, my turn to ask questions: Why are you bothering me?"
"You looked interesting, not to mention cute"
"Me? Interesting? Funny joke."
"I'm telling the truth! There's just something about you! Your dressed all nice, for college probably, and you have a side shave.. Great combination. Total punk nerd! Pretty interesting to me."
"What's your name? If you don't mind me asking."
"... It's Karma."
"Bad luck, huh?"
"Well it isn't my real name, it's just a nickname that stuck."
"Then can I have your real name?"
"... It's um.."
"You don't remember do you?"

The girl chuckled to herself.

"Hey! Its Karmina. Anyways I told you my name, you tell me yours."
"Sure thing, Jeliana Spreds, friends call me Jelly."
"Huh, cool name.."
"Think so? My phone number sounds better, want to here it?"

Jesus crust, she's fucking smooth as hell.

Karma just wanted this conversation to be over. She looked a the clock on the wall.


Shit. Well she got what she wanted.

"Actually, I'm running late for class, I would say I enjoyed this conversation but I'd be lying."
"At least give me your phone number, and I'll give you mine."

Karma hesitated but eventually agreed.

Jeliana wrote her number on a napkin while Karma did the same. She gave her her number and was about to leave.

"What?!" She turned quickly
"You forgot." Jeliana held out a napkin with her number on it.

Karma sighed and grabbed it.

But then their hands touched...

And there was a quick explosion of color.

And Karma was scared. She quickly grabbed the napkin and took in a deep breath as everything  faded back into the black and white world she knew.

"I hope to see you around, love" Jeliana said before turning.

Karma just nodded and quickly left the shop.
What ever happened..she didn't want it to happen ever again.

She quicken her pace into a run, praying she would make it on time for class.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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