Apologies and surprises

Start from the beginning

"What she said hurt you a lot more than you're letting on didn't it?" Slenda asked as she got up. "There's no fooling you is there..." I responded as I made myself something to eat. "Why didn't you tell her how you really felt?" Slenda asked now leaning on the counter next to me. "Because that would have made her feel worse and I'd never seen that side of her before. She genuinely felt bad for what she said so I have no reason not to forgive her." I explained which was followed by a moment of brief silence until Slenda spoke again. "Do you miss them?" she asked. "That goes without saying, not a day goes by without me wishing I could see them again." "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Slenda apologised . "It's Ok, I know you didn't mean anything by it." "Thank you Y/n. I'm going to pop out for a bit there are a few things I have to do, see you soon. " Slenda said waving as she left. Once I finished my breakfast I made my way into the living room which was empty oddly enough. I lied down on the sofa, put on the tv and scrolled through the channels. After about 20 minutes I began to feel drowsy and ended up dozing off which was likely thanks to how long I slept last night fucking up my body.

--A few hours later—

As I woke from my nap I felt something soft in my arms so I opened my eyes to see what it was and immediately went red. In my arms was Benny and she was holding tightly onto one of my arms whilst lying on the other. The arm she was hugging was buried in somewhere very soft and it wasn't hard to figure out where it was. I shook the pervy thoughts out of my mind went to wake her up but when I saw how peacefully she was sleeping I couldn't bring myself to do it so I let her be for a little while and waited to see if she would wake up on her own. 10 minutes had passed and there was no sign that she was going to wake up anytime soon plus to make things worse I had nearly lost all feeling in the arm she was lying on. I decided to free my arm and try taking her to her room to sleep. I carefully freed the arm she was hugging then gently tilted her forward in hopes of giving my arm some leeway which it did. I managed to move my arm from beneath her then carefully got up from the sofa. My arm was well and truly dead but the feeling soon began to slowly come back. Once I could feel my arm again I approached Benny and gently lifted her up but the movement woke her up, she slowly opened her eyes and began to wearily look around the room until her eyes met with mine. "Uumm hi?" Benny immediately turned red and punched me in the face, knocking me over and making me drop her. "Eep" she squeaked as she fell and hit the floor.

"Oww what the fuck was that for?" I asked rubbing where her fist collided with my face. "Why were you holding me like that!?" Benny yelled as she rubbed her sore ass. "I was going to take you back to your room and let you sleep there! Why were you sleeping with me in the first place?" "Sleeping with you?...oh fuck I must have fallen asleep." Benny questioned, mumbling the last part. "Let me guess you heard about how comfortable it is to sleep with me from Angel and Jackie didn't you?" I asked deadpanning "Uuuum maybe...." She said awkwardly looking away from you. "*sigh* I can't exactly complain about waking up to hot girls sleeping next to me but this shit isn't good for my health." I said pinching the bridge of my nose. "Oh is that right? I'll keep that in mind" Benny said with a smirk and half lidded eyes. "I don't like that look you're giving me..." "Hmmm oh don't worry about it, it's nothing." She dismissed. "I don't believe you for a second, that look usually means you're planning something." "I don't know what you mean Y/n, I guess only time will tell." she said with a irritating smirk as she went to leave but stopped before walking out and poked her head back in the room. "Oh and one more thing, they weren't kidding about how relaxing it is sleeping with you, best nap I've had in a while and sorry for hitting you. Anyway, see ya." She said as she finally left. "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

A couple of hours had passed and I couldn't find anyone anywhere, even Benny had disappeared. It was weird that I couldn't find anyone because I'm normally told who's going out but the only person that I know went out was Slenda and that was hours ago. I went over all the places I had checked so far in my head and realised there was one place I hadn't checked yet, the pool. It was unlikely that they were in there but if that's the only place I hadn't looked so it was worth at least checking so I made my way there. Once I arrived I immediately went inside and turned the lights on "Hey you guys in here!? Hello!?" I called out but there was no response. After checking around a bit and finding nobody I was about to leave when the lights suddenly went out leaving me in darkness. "Well that's not good..." Suddenly I felt multiple pairs of hands grab me, tie me up and blindfold me in a matter of seconds. "Who the fuck are you people?!" I shouted. "Calm down it's just us." A voice said that I immediately recognised as Jane."Wha- why the fuck did you tie me up and blindfold me? And who's us? Who else is with you?" I asked franticly trying to make sense of what's going on. At first nobody responded but I could hear whispering although I couldn't make out what they were saying. "Why don't I just show you?" Jane said as I heard her walk behind me and begin to untie my blindfold. What I saw when the blindfold dropped was every guys dream. Everyone in the CP mansion was stood by the poolside wearing all kinds of bikinis, each one showing off their curves. Even Slenda and Jess were here although Jess seemed less into it than others and Clockwork seemed shyer than everyone else who were clearly very confident in their physiques. "Uhhhh what the hell is going on?" I asked whilst trying to stop myself from going red. "Benny told us what you said to her earlier today so we wanted to see how you would react to us all in bikinis." Angel explained. "Plus we thought it would be nice to take a break, especially with how rough you've had it lately." Jane added. I could hear what they were saying but I wasn't really processing it, I was too busy admiring how sexy they all were. "Helloooo, anybody home!?" Jane yelled clicking her fingers in front of my face. "I think we overloaded his brain." Jill laughed but she wasn't exactly wrong, it was a lot to take in. "S-sorry I zoned out..." "Obviously." Jane scoffed. "You all look amazing but I have one question that's bugging me. Why did you need to tie me up?" "Because it was more fun that way, why else?~" Angel said seductively. "...Why am I not surprised...?" "Anyway you've seen us in our swimsuits now it's our turn to see you in yours~" Angel said with a hungry look in her eyes. "Uhhh I don't have one..." Suddenly Slenda disappeared then reappeared holding a pair of swim shorts that I immediately recognised. "I brought them with me when I brought the clothes from your house." Slenda explained. Angel walked up to the Slenda and took the shorts from her with a devious smile. "It looks like you're a bit tied up Y/n, here let me help you put them on~" Angel said in a sultry voice as she slowly approached.

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