Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley

Start from the beginning

“Right arm up!” said Madam Malkin. Alice lifted up her left instead. “Sorry,” she muttered and lifted her right arm. “That’ll be 39 galleons please,” she said. Derrick paid and left.

“That was Harry Potter!” He said excitedly. Alice frowned. “What’s so good about defeating one dark wizard? I mean, another one will take their place!” she said.

“What’s so good? What’s so good?” laughed Derrick. “Voldemort,” he said with a shudder, “Is the worse wizard in wizarding history. In the times when he reigned, there were people disappearing, no trace of them for years, death happening as common as a cold, you wouldn’t know who to trust! Muggle borns were as lowly as muggles then, no offence, but those were dark times,” he said darkly.

Alice nodded. “Let’s go to Florish and Blotts shall we?” he said cheerfully. She nodded and entered the store. “The standard book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk, A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot, A magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling, A beginner’s guide to transfiguration by Emeric Switch, One thousand Magical herbs and fungi by Phyllida Spore, Magical Drafts and potions by Arsenius Jigger, Fantastic beasts and where to find them by Newt Salamander and Darks forces: A guide to self protection by Quentin Trimble,” Derrick read aloud as Alice picked out the books.

“Thirteen galleons,” said the cash register and they walked out of the store. “I’ll buy your cauldron and everything else, and you can get your wand,” said Derrick as they parted ways. “You can get your wand on the South side of Diagon Alley, It’s a shop called “Olivander’s”.”

Alice nodded and walked off. On her way there, she passed a store called Weasly’s Wizard Wheezes, but the apostrophe was moved from after the‘s’ to before it. It was a bright store, very cheery too, and was attracting many customers. Alice decided she should get her wand first, it seemed really exciting though.

She stepped into Olivander’s. It was a very small place; there were thousands of little boxes piled up onto the ceiling. Alice felt like she had just entered a very strict library. “Good afternoon!” said a soft voice. Alice almost jumped up. A very old man was standing in front of them. He had white hair and a very wrinkly face. He smiled. “I’m Mr Olivander,” he said. There was a silence for a few seconds before Alice said, “So, will I be choosing my wand now?” she asked eagerly. Olivander laughed. “The wand chooses the wizard Ms Robson, well in your case, witch. That has always been clear to those who study wandlore.”

Alice was rather puzzled. How could a wand choose a wizard? But if unicorns existed, wands choosing wizards must be rather normal. “ Well, now Ms Robson, which is your wand arm?” he asked.

“Err, well, I’m left-handed,” she said.

     “That’s it, hold out your arm,” he said, and began measuring it; shoulder to finder, wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and around his head. He finally measured the last one (his nose to his nostril) and walked over to a very tall stack of boxes. He pulled out six boxes and piled it in his arms. “Here Robson, try this one,” he said, handing her the one at the top.

   Alice took the wand out. “Mahogany, 12 and three quarter inches, unicorn hair, surprisingly swishy,” he said. She held the wand. “Umm, what do I-“

            “Give it a little wave,” he said. Alice waved the wand around a bit, and Olivander snatched it quickly out of her hands. “That won’t do, try this,” he muttered. “Maple and Phoenix feather, nine inches, Hard.”

Alice tried it, but before he had a chance to raise the wand, he snatched it out of her hands. “No, no, that’s not good, well, third time the luck! Try this one, Ash and Dragon heartstring, nice and supple,” He said, she tried it and once again, he took it away and replaced it with a new one. The seven boxes were tried out and he had to get new ones. “Tricky customer, eh? Don’t worry, we’ll find the best one for you,” he said. “Now, try this one, Ebony and Unicorn tail, thirteen and a half inches, unyielding,” he finished “unyielding” rather softly.

      Alice tried the wand. The moment it touched her hands, she felt a wave of warmth flood over her body. Derrick stepped inside. “Sorry, but one customer at a time,” said Olivander.

Derrick smiled, as usual. “Sorry sir, I’m here for Alice,” he said. Alice waved it around. She felt a sudden rush of wind as the door opened itself and the windows did so too. Red sparks flew out at the end of the wand. Derrick jumped up and down and clapped happily and Olivander whooped. “Congratulations! Oh, this is very good, Bravo! Looks like we finally got there eh?” he said happily. He put Alice’s wand back into its box and wrapped it in brown paper.

Derrick paid seven galleons. “I’ve got all you’re cauldron, phials, scales, telescope and all we need is your pet! You choose this time,” he said. Alice grinned and stepped towards the store with a huge sign saying:



“You should get an owl, if you want to, then you can send letters to people, or you can use a school owl for that,” Derrick said. Alice shrugged. “I think I want a cat, does it really mean all colours?” she asked. Derrick nodded. “All colours, you name it, red, green, blue, brown, purple, yellow, probably rainbow altogether!” he added with a laugh.

             “I want an aqua cat,” said Alice to the store manager. She smiled. “Right this way,” She said, leading her to a area full of cats. “Which do you like Derrick? There are so many types,” she said, amazed.

     “You should get the really fluffy one,” he said, pointing to the fat, extremely furry cat that looked like someone punched its face. “He’s called Crumbs,” said a store assistant. Alice smiled. “I want him,” she said, almost childishly. “Nine galleons,” she said. Derrick paid for Alice’s pet. “Well, we spent less than 100 galleons today!” He said with a smile.

      “We’ll be apparating now, I suppose,” Alice said with a sigh. Derrick beamed. “Right you are,” he said. Alice grabbed his hand and they apparated back to 22 Brigg St, Cokestown.


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