Christmas eve and a birthday

Start from the beginning

"Go and get dressed Love we're going out." I said quickly and Harry looked at me confused.


"The shops."

"But you said earlier that we weren't going near the shops as there be too busy."

"I know but that was then and this is now." I said quickly.

"You haven't got Papa a cake have you." Harry said and I shook my head.

"What about lunch."

"We're pick something up in the shops." Harry nodded and jumped off his chair heading upstairs I'm guessing to get dressed while I followed going into mine and Louis' room to get ready myself.

"Dad, What are you doing?" Niall asked sitting up and that's i realised him and Louis were awake and watching another film.

"I'm just going to the shops with Harry." I said and Louis just looked at me.

"I thought we were spending the day Home, I was about to start making biscuits."

"I know we won't be long." I said as I quickly finished getting dressed before walking out the room and heading downstairs Harry soon following and we both got coats and shoes on heading out to the car .

"Daddy its very busy." Harry said once we walked into Tesco after spending 20 minutes waiting for a parking space.

"I know love, this is why I didn't really want to leave the house." I said to Harry who gripped onto my hand. We quickly went towards the bakery section and looked at the cakes.

"Which one shall we get?" I asked Harry and he pointed to a chocolate tray bake and I agreed. I mean you couldn't really go wrong with that.

"Daddy can I get something to eat now?" Harry asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah were grab a sandwich." I said and we walked over to the ready made sandwiches picking a couple up and then headed to the tills which were queuing all the way down the isles.

It took us a further half hour to actually buy the items and make are way back to the car.

"Here Love." I said passing him his sandwich once he was strapped into his seat.

"Thanks Daddy." He said with a smile and I smiled back before jumping into the drivers seat and heading home.

When we reached Home Niall and Louis were up and sitting in the kitchen I'm assuming waiting for Harry and I.

"Hey I was wondering when you'd be back we've just put the biscuits in the oven so once there done and cooled we can decorate them." Louis said and I nodded.

"Sounds good, can I talk to you a minute lou." I said as I discreetly placed the cake into the cupboard.

"Yeah sure." He said getting up and following me Into the living room where I closed the door.

"So I've been texting the women about the rabbits and she said we can get them tonight as the hutch is ready and everything and then we have them for the morning."

"Brilliant, I'm guessing your going to get them."

"Yeah I'll go later, probably when Harry's having a bath and Niall's in the shower I shouldn't be long so hopefully the boys won't realise I'm not here."

"Sounds good." Louis said.

"Dad, Papa the timers going off." We both heard Niall call and headed back to the kitchen.

"Where did you both go?" Niall asked and I just smiled.

"Don't worry love we were just talking about tomorrow." I said and he nodded but looked suspiciously at us.

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