Wedding Day!

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Today was the day, my best friend Peta was going to marry the man of her dreams. The excitement welling in the pit of my stomach was indescribable; however, I couldn't help realizing the fact that today would also be the day that I had to see him, and not just him, but the two of them together. The past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions, and the buzz surrounding my dating life had been more than comical. The truth is, Pierson and I were talking, but he and I both knew that my heart was somewhere else; and as for Mr. Bonner Blue Bolton, well that was never anything more than a dance partnership destroyed by a cheesy showmance angle and a great deal of public pressure. To be honest, my heart was always with him, but I guess now it was too late.

Pulling up to the castle was like something out of a fairytale. Utterly exhausted from my tip to the UK, seeing the beauty before my eyes suddenly gave me a jolt of energy. The wedding was to be a weekend long event, and the thought of staying in such a majestic palace gave me butterflies. "May I take your luggage mam?" I was quickly snapped back to reality as the doorman gathered my things and led me inside to the grand foyer. "You're here!!!!" Screamed Peta from halfway up the winding staircase. Unable to contain my excitement I threw down my bag and rushed up to greet my beautiful sister with a warm hug. "Let me show you your room!" Peta piped with utter delight. It was in that moment, walking down the hallway to my room, that I saw them.

"Sharna May Burgess!" Val exclaimed as I tried with everything inside me not to make eye contact. "Hey babe!" I managed to muster a smile and a quick hug as I diverted my attention to Jenna and leaned in for a quick peck on the cheek. "We are heading down for some drinks and games, come join us?" Jenna questioned as I smiled and nodded, "I'll be down in 15." Lost in my thoughts, Peta grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room adjacent from where Val and Jenna had just exited. "Well what do you think, isn't it exquisite!?" Peta was right, the room was picture perfect, but what should have been a happy moment suddenly seemed overwhelming and sad.

"Sharna, earth to Sharna, are you there?" Peta joked as she turned to face me, shocked to see tears falling down my face. "Oh babe, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" "I'm so sorry Peta, it's nothing really; this is your day and I refuse to ruin it for you." Unsure of what else to say, I pulled Pete in for a big hug and felt an instant calm wash over me. "Let's go have a drink!" Pete knew my history with Val, and I'm certain she knew how hard this was for me, but instead of pressing the issue we decided in that moment to let it all go and enjoy some celebratory drinks.

Walking downstairs hand in hand Pete and I exchanged looks as we heard the sound of laughter and cheers coming from the main living area. "Well it's about time you show up!" Maks yells as he hurries across the room tossing Pete and I over his shoulders and carrying us into the crowd of people having drinks and playing card games. "Now the party can really begin!" Planting a kiss on my cheek as he sat me down, "glad you're here babe." I couldn't help but give him a big smile and tight squeeze as my eyes skimmed the room taking in all the familiar faces. "Momma C!" I exclaimed as I embraced her with a hug, and as Papa Chmerkovskiy grabbed my hand, planted a quick kiss, and gave me a twirl. "So good to see you beautiful" he beamed and gave a cute little wink. I always loved seeing them, they were like my second family, and my only family in the states.

Chmergess: Weddings change everything. Where stories live. Discover now