"Prometa anatela?"

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Familiar faces filled the seats of their favorite lunch table. Amber sat on one side of him, Calum on the other side of him, the rest of the table was filled with Brads' frat brothers. The air was thick with the smells of fried foods and sweaty skin, but somehow it seemed as if everyone was more energetic than usual.

"Hey, Michael," Brad said, greeting the man sitting across from Ashton. His pale skin and gren eyes off set the black Northern football had he had on.

"Missed you after the game Saturday, Brad. I drank a beer or two for yah," He said with a wide smile.

"I appreciate it. I took Am out for dinner," he said leaning over to his the top of Amber's long brown hair.

"You're sitting in my chair, Mike"

Michael turned to see Luke standing behind him. Michael looked back at Ashton, surprised. "Oh is he one of your boys, Lu?"

"Absolutely not," Ashton snaps.

Michael looked back at Luke, who stared expectantly. Michael shrugged getting up heading to the end of the table . Luke smiled at Ashton as he sat down "What's up, Pidge?"

Ashton did not miss the appraising looks of those sitting at the table. Luke's behavior picked at at their curiosity, and Ashton smiled at being the only boy they had seen Luke insist on sitting with. "Eating food, dork"

"Ugh... that biology test is after lunch," Amber groaned.

"Did you study?" Ashton asks.

"God no, I spent the night telling my boyfriend that you weren't going to sleep with Lue."

"Jesus, Brad. You've got it that bed huh?" Luke asks throwing a packet of mustard at his cousin. Brad didn't answer, but Ashton smiled at Luke for the distraction.

Amber rubbed Brad's back "He'll come around and see that Ashton can resist his charms"

"I haven't tried to charm him" Luke scoff, seeming a little offended "He's my friend"

Ashton looked at Brad "I told you. You have nothing to worry about"

Brad finally looked at Ashton in the eyes and seeing his honest expression, he seemed to have relaxed.

"Did you study?" Luke asks Ashton.

He frowned "Not enough. It's just not something that will stick in my head."

Luke stood up "Let's go"


"Let's get your notes. I'll help you study"


"Get your ass up, Pidge. You are going to ace that test"

Ashton tugged at one of Amber's long brown braids as he passed. "See you in class, Am"

She smiles "I'll save you a seat"

Luke followed Ashton to his dorm room, and Ashton pulled out his study guide while opens his book. Luke began to quiz Ashton relentlessly, clarified the few things he didn't understand. The way Luke explained the concepts went from confusing to completely obvious.

"Somatic cells use mitosis to reproduce. So we have phases. They sound like a woman's name: Prometa Anatela"

Ashton laughed "Prometa anatela"

"Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase"

Ashton nodded and repeated "Prometa Anatela"

Luke smacked the top of his head with the papers "You go this you know this study guide like the back of your hand"

Ashton sighed "Well..we'll see"

"I am going to walk you to class and I'll quiz you on the way there"

Ashton locked the door behind them "So you won't be mad if I flunk the test, are you?"

"You are not going to flunk, Pidge. But, we need to start earlier for the next one, though."

"How are you going to tutor me, do you homework, study, and train for your fights?"

Luke chuckled "I don't train for my fights. Dan calls me, tells me where the fight is, and I go" he says keeping in step with Ashton to the science building.

Ashton shook his head in disbelief as Luke held the paper in front of him to ask the the first question. They had almost finished the second round of the study guide when they reached his classes.

"Kick ass," He smiled, handing Ashton the notes leaning against the doorjamb.

"Hey, Lu"

Ashton turns to see a tall somewhat lanky man smile at Luke on his way into the classroom.

"Dean," Luke nodded.

Dean's eyes brightened a bit when he looked at Ashton smiling "Hi, Ashton"

"Hi?" He said, surprised that he had even known his name "Who's that?"

Luke frowned "Dean Winters, he's one of my Sig Tau brothers"

"You're in a frat?"

"Same as Brad. I thought you knew this?" He said looking past him and at Dean.

"Well..you don't really seem the..um Fraternity type" he said, eyeing his appearance.

Luke turned his attention to Ashton then grinning "My dad is alumnus, and all my brothers are in Sig Tau, It's a family thing"

Ashton nodded "I better get to class, thank you again for helping me" he said, elbowing his rib. Amber passed, and Ashton followed her to their seats.

"How did it go?"

Ashton shrugs "He's a good tutor"

"Just a tutor"

"He's a good friend"

She seemed disappointed and he giggled at her fallen expression. It always been a dream of Amber's for them to date friends, and roommate-slash-cousins. She wanted to stay together in an apartment, but Ashton wanted to spread his wings a bit. After a bit of pouting, Amber went to find a friend of Brad's to introduce him to.

Luke's healthy interest in him had suppressed all her ideas.

Ashton breezed through the test and waited for Amber outside on the steps. When she slumped down beside him in defeat.

"That was awful!" She cried.

"You should study with us. Luke explains it really well"

Amber groans leaning her head onto his shoulder "you were no help at all! Couldn't have given me a nod or something?" Ashton hooked his arm around her neck walking her to her dorm.

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