"You're not even in this class"

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The next day, Brad and Amber joined him for lunch. He had intended to sit alone, but as the students filled the cafeteria, the chairs around him were either filled with Brad's frat brothers or the members of the football team, Ashton notices that some of them had been at the fight, yet no one mentioned his ringside experience.

"Brad," A passing voice said.

Brad nodded, and Amber and Ashton both turned to see Luke take a seat at the end of the table. He was followed by two blondes, one voluptuous bottle blonde girl and a pale blonde boy both having the colleges logo on their sweaters. The boy sat on Luke's lap while the girl sat beside him, pawing at his shirt.

"I think I just threw up in my mouth" Amber mutters lowly.

The blonde boy turned and looks in Amber direction " I heard that, skank"

Amber grabbed her muffin and threw it down the table, barely missing the boys face. Before the boy could say another word, Luke let his knees give away, sending the boy tumbling to the floor.

"Ouch!" He squealed, looking up at Luke.

"Amber's a friend of mine. You need to find another lap to sit on, Rex"

"Luke!" he whines, then scrambles to his feet.

Luke turned his attention to his plate, ignoring him. He looked at his sister and huffed, and they heft arm in arm.

Luke winked at Amber and, as if nothing happened, he shoveled another bite into his mouth. It was then he noticed that Luke had a small cut on his eyebrow. He traded glances with Brad and then began a conversation with one of the football guys across the table from him.

Even when the crowd at the lunch table lessened, Amber, Brad and Ashton lingered to discuss their weekend plans. Luke stood up to leave but paused at the end of the table.

"What?" Brad asked loudly.

Ashton tried to ignore him for as long as possible, but when he looked up, Luke was staring at him.

"You know her, Lu. Amber's best friend? She was with us the other night," Brad said.

Luke smiled at him in what Ashton assumed was his most charming expression. He oozed sex and rebelliousness with his messy blonde hair and a black metal lip ring, that Ashton had not seen last night, he rolled his eyes at his attempt to lure him in.

"Since when do you have a best friend, Am" Luke asked.

"Since junior year," She answered, pressing her lips together as she smiled in Ashton's direction. "Don't you remember, Luke? You ruined his sweater"

Luke smiled " I ruin a lot of sweaters"

"Gross," he muttered.

Luke spun the empty chair beside him and sat, resting his arms in a front of him "So you're the pigeon,huh?"

"No," Ashton snapped "I have a name"

Luke seemed amused the way he had regarded him, which only seemed to make him angrier.

"Well? What is it?" He asked.

Ashton took a bite of the last apple spear on his plate, ignoring him.

"Pigeon, it is then," he said, shrugging.

Ashton glanced up at Amber and then turned to Luke. "I'm trying to eat here"

Luke smiled settling in for the challenge that Ash presented.

"My name's Luke, Luke Hemmings.""

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