" There many happenings .. "

He told me everything right from the start. He having the same dark dream all over again .

" I wonder why.. ? Why I keep having the same dream all over again , Its making me stress out . "

" Hey hey .. why dont we do something fun? "

" Like what ..? " as he look at me curiously.

" Like playing the piano!!? " as I jump happily ..

I always wanted to learn how to play the piano..But I always didnt get the chance too. Its too expensive.

" You want to play the piano ? Mmm follow me I bring you to a place ."

I follow him and he brought me into this beautiful room .. The piano is right infront of me, it looks different from the one he played earlier.

I ran towards the piano and start sitting down and letting my fingers hitting on it.

" Yah yah!! Dont abuse that precious piano ! Im sure you doesnt know how to play dont you ? "

" Ya ya ya. Yep why dont you teach me how to play since you are pro in this ? "

" Pro.. ? What pro ? Well anyway I always wanna to teach someone to play "

" Give me your hands . " as I show him my hands.

He then teach me slowly step by step..
This scene.. just feels so familiar.. why am I getting teary ? What is wrong with me..?

" Hey are you alright.. ? " as he stopped and look at me.

" woah since when you care about out of the sudden? " as I question him again.

" Since the part when you get teary . I dont like to see people getting teary infront of me ."

" So tell me what is wrong ? Did I did something to make you feel that way ?.."

" No you didnt.. it just that.. as much as I wanna to think How familiar this scene is .. I just cant seem to think "

My head hurts much badly than yesterday. Its getting worse and worser.

" You .. know I always wanna try something.. but I never got the chance to do it .. "

" What do you wan..t to do- " my words was cut off by his lips pressing on mine.

It feels like my first kiss.. We start to kiss slowly passionately .. It just feels so familiar but why cant I think ..? Why.. ? As I start to tearing up.

" Im.. sorry , I did-nt m-ean T-o h-urt y-ou .. I jus-t want to know what its feels like to kis-s a girl-.. " as he becoming shy.

" Its not your fault.. Its my first time too . " I chuckled but my tears cant seem to stop.

" Then why are you crying ? .. " as he rubbed my tears away.

" It hurts me.. when I see u cry. "

When I was about to answer him back.. Someone interrupt again.

" Im sorry but time is up.. you guys seem to spend too much time with each other already . "

" Im sorry.. I gotta go " as I stood up and walk away.

" Wait , Your brand new dress ..dont forget to clean yourself up ." As he stopped me by holding on my wrist.

 BTS || Insane Love (RE-WRITE)Where stories live. Discover now