Chapter Six

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My morning started off with pancakes and a cappacino courtesy to my lovely mom. She had her handbag on her shoulder and phone in hand as she gave me a kiss on my forehead. I set my syrup drenched fork down, "See you this evening."

"Yep," she replied whilst sticking a sticky note to my forehead. She was out the door before I could whine about her lame mom tactics.

I rolled my eyes and smiled nonetheless. I peeled off the note from my forehead and read it.

"Enjoy the day my little freak."

I beamed brightly for a good while, my mom was a total weirdo herself. The conversation we had yesterday was still fresh in my mind.

*"Don't let this bring you down when it can be  a stepping stone for where you are heading."*

It was 7:10 am by the time I was done with my breakfast. 20 Minutes before school started. I locked the house and rushed out before I got late. You know me.

I got there with five minutes to spare. The busy hallways always seemed to be my enemy. I could barely make it through the dense crowd. "Watch it," I was shoved into a student next to me.

I muttered a sorry to whoever I bumped into and turned back to look into a pair of doe blue eyes. "That wasn't very nice, Chloe."

She rolled her eyes, "People like you better keep their mouths shut. I don't care about what comes out of that mouth of yours." She was gone before I could even breathe. I sighed, what a start to my day.

Chloe just didn't like me. End of story. She made it clear by making sure to be obnoxiously mean to me. I ignored it most of the time. Today was a different story.

I regained my composure and continued my way through the hallway. My locker was not too far. It was then that I became overwhelmingly aware of all the stares. Ever so often someone would glance in my direction and look for a second too long. I was a freak, wasn't I? I blinked slowly and repeated my mantra.

Jesus was persecuted for me, I can handle being called a 'freak' for him.


My apple and half a sandwich was not very appetising to me. I shoved the food away and dazingly stared out the window at the greenery around the school. Tall luscious trees stood proudly. Many providing Prefect shade. With my palm to my cheek I daydreamed.

Imagine sitting under the shade provided by the tree, your back against the bark and my Bible settled on my lap. The perfect spot for some Bible reading and prayer time.

The daydream soon ended with the abrupt arrival of Tamina. "You will not believe what just happened."

I was puzzled as I stared up at her. She had a baby blue dress on and her hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail.

"You look cute." I commented whilst giving my friend a light smack on her arm. She smiled, "I tried today." I giggled knowing fully well how messy her wardrobe must look. Tamina was the type to chuck all her clothes out while looking for something to wear. She then leave the pile of clothes out and get a scolding from her mom.

"Anyway," she took a seat next to me. "Kaden was looking for you."

To say my jaw dropped was an understatement. How could he be looking for me after what he said yesterday? He made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me. I scrunched my face and sighed loudly. Miranda gave me a sympathetic grin, "You don't have to hear what he has to say to you. I don't think it would be anything good anyway."

My shoulders dropped, the buzzing of chatter around me boomed. I peaked at the mass of students many of which were captivated in conversation.

"You are right." I replied with my attention restored. I'll just forget this happened and move on. That's it. Plus I wouldn't be seeing him till next week considering we didn't have history. Great. A whole weekend to pretend I don't care about what he has to say. A whole weekend to grow tougher skin. A whole weekend to divert my attention back to the one who hung on a cross for me.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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