"Hey..." He finally spoke, mustering up his courage, "I... really like you."

Sehun's eyes widened and he blushed, feeling his heart beginning to thump in his chest. He remained frozen in his spot, head still resting on Tao's shoulder. He could feel Tao's breathing pick up speed as his fists clenched and unclenched.

Wait, is he... confessing to me? Like actually confessing?

"I know I'm being kinda sudden and all but I just really like you and... I was hoping maybe... you could go out on a date with me?"

Sehun bit his lip nervously, still unable to look up and meet Tao's eyes. His face was flushed and red hot, and all of a sudden it didn't feel nearly as cold anymore. Clearing his throat nervously, he forced himself to speak.

"Well... I certainly didn't see that one coming."

Tao let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah... Neither did I."

Sehun could hear the shakiness in his voice. It somehow comforted him to know that Tao was nervous too. At least he wasn't alone on that boat. He finally mustered up the courage to lift his head up and look at him.

"You do know I have like zero experience in things like these, right?"

"Yeah but... There's a first time for everything. All I'm asking for is one date. And if it goes well, we could, you know... keep going. But if not we can always just stay friends. I don't want you to feel pressured or anything," Tao said nervously, a small blush covering his cheeks. Sehun really was taken aback by that; the guy was usually confident and cocky but now he looked so anxious and... shy.

Sehun stayed quiet for a while, playing with the hem of his jacket as Tao watched him expectantly. Damn... what do I even say in a situation like this? No one's ever confessed to me before. Sehun had really come to like Tao over the few weeks they had become friends. He was easygoing and friendly, even though he was a bit vulgar sometimes. Even Amber was more okay with him than she was with Kai, for some odd reason. But he didn't think his feelings for him were more than platonic, and besides, he still really liked Kai. Like a lot. And his stupid crush was only gettng bigger.

But then again, I don't even have a chance with Kai. He has a girlfriend he's so desperately in love with. Maybe I could just... give Tao a chance. Who knows, maybe I could fall for him and forget about Kai. The thought process made sense in his mind, and he liked to think he was a smart guy. So, before he could change his mind, he spoke up.

"I... I guess one date wouldn't hurt..."

"A DATE?!"

Sehun sighed, having more or less expected this reaction. He didn't expect Amber and Kai to be so synchronized though. In fact, they both even had the same face expression, wide eyes and all.

"Yeah, a date."

"No no no, you're can't go on a date with Tao," Kai said, crossing him arms. Sehun lifted an eyebrow.

"Why not?"

"Because!" His eyes wandered around the cafeteria, as if searching for something to say. He had a deep frown on his face, which confused Sehun. Why'd he look so apprehensive anyway? Thankfully enough, Amber spoke up instead.

"Because you've only known the guy for like three weeks?" She said, "Besides, do you even like him?"

Sehun shrugged, "He's pretty nice. And he's my type."

"Wait, so Tao's your type and I'm not?" Kai retorted, looking offended, "What does he have that I don't?"

Both Sehun and Amber looked at the guy weirdly, making his eyes widen slightly on realizing what he had just said.

The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]Where stories live. Discover now