Pretty Please?

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Jungkook had his next prank going through his head over and over but he still needed the good details on it. Things like who to prank, what exactly what be used and all that fun stuff.

So he sat down in a nice park with some pen and paper and started brainstorming the whole thing out, including a time, place depending on the person and all the tools used.

He just didn't know what was missing. Something that would be so clever and fitting...

Jungkook didn't have enough time to do some deep thinking, as a gust of wind that carried fate in its grasp swept away his pranking notebook. Jungkook immediately went after it, but of course as it the wind was carrying fate, Jungkook had to tackle someone. On accident, of course.

He and the person went flying down together on the grass, and Jungkook thanked the Lord and all other deities that this person was not a girl.

As Jungkook finally processed that information, though, he realized he was literally laying on top of someone and he was very uncomfortable for many reasons.

So he rolled off the person who seemed just as winded, if not more than, Jungkook. He sat there beside the man just taking in the view.

Because hot damn, he'd be dead if looks could kill.

But since Jungkook realized what he had done he had to apologize. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry for running into you, my notebook-- oh God my notebook." Jungkook had totally forgotten and quickly scanned the area. He spotted the little thing off to the side and quickly ran to get it.

He tripped. Over the man. Like the idiot he was.

The man, who Jungkook expected to be beyond pissed at him, started to laugh. It was an interesting laugh, but one Jungkook thought he could never get tired of. (Why was he like this?)

Jungkook stared at him with wide eyes as he slowly crawled forward to get off of him for the second time. "Uhm, I'm really sorry I just--"

"Don't worry! I just wasn't expecting this. Here, let me help you up."

Wow, was that man fast. He had gotten up in less than a second, dusted himself off and then helped Jungkook off the ground.

The man smiled (Kook was smitten) as Jungkook was standing in front of him, looking like a terrified rabbit. "Don't worry about it. The name's Seokjin, by the way. You can just call me Jin, though."

Jungkook stammered over his words. He was usually pretty confident in meeting people but dang it, he was just so bashful at the moment. "N-nice to meet you, uh, Jin. Uhm, Jungkook. And I'm really sorry for running into you and tripping over you please forgive me," Jungkook rambled on, still partially terrified of Jin for no reason.

"Ah, nice to meet you too, Jungkook. Don't worry about it, please. Oh, let me get your notebook." Jin started to head towards Jungkooks precious notebook, not knowing the secrets it hid.

"Ah, ah, no it's okay. I can get it." Jungkook practically sprinted over to the notebook, picking it up and flipping through it to see if everything was intact. Thankfully it was perfectly fine, but Jungkook was still a little shaken from the whole thing.

Jin was just standing next to Jungkook, peering over his shoulder curiously. "What's your notebook about?"

Jungkook did not see him there and almost died for the third time that day. "Oh God, oh my God, I did not see you there. And my notebook? Uh, stuff."

Jin raised his eyebrows at him, "What kind of stuff?"


"Ooh, interesting. I do love pranks." Jin looked like he was going to continue speaking but spared a glance at his watch. "Oh, shoot, I gotta go. See you around, maybe?"

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