A Challenge?

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Shortly after she had traveled through the bifrost, Sif had arrived in New Mexico, it wasn't the first time she had been there, she had gone once with Fandral, hogun and Volstagg a few years back to come to get Thor.

The moment she arrived she had begun running through the seemingly empty streets, she knew she had to find Thor before Loki tried something. She was unsure what exactly it was he was going to try but she knew it wasn't going to be good, considering he did attempt to kill her before she left.

Sif was currently in the diner that had just been repaired from the incident with the destroyer, she began walking around the establishment, searching for something, someone that was recognizable to help or aid her with her mission. Her eyes scanned the people and the tables around her, she didn't spot anyone in particular she knew. Some people talked and drank their creamy black liquids and others read multiple papers that were connected, words written on them in bold ink.

She decided to go up to a woman who seemed like she had some authority in the building, "Excuse me, do you know the time of day?" Instead of asking if she knew where Thor or Jane was she went with a simpler question, one that wouldn't come back to haunt her later. Sif took the time to examine this woman, figuring she might need her help some time or another. She was much shorter than her, her long dark hair was wavy but in an artificial kind of way, as she looked up to her, she noticed her eyes were a beautifully colored hazel. Her name tag read, Charlotte.

"Um, yes.. It is a quarter till four." She answered as her eyes looked up from her watch. If she had to estimate her height, she would guess she was probably somewhere around five one or five two.

"Thanks." She mumbled as she began walking out the door and onto the once vacant streets. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw a variety of people roaming around, they were unusual to her, they didn't look like they had things to do, stuff to accomplish like she always did. They were calm and at bay.

Sif began walking down the street, the guard's sword in her hilt, her knives and daggers inside of her leathers. She realized she was completely out of place and how many looks that earned her but there wasn't much she could do so she walked around with her head held high, chin towards the sky.

As she practically jogged down the street she decided to take a short cut through an alleyway, it was a bit dark but she figured it would be alright. She stopped her abnormal run and walked down it, letting her shoulders sink and neck muscles relax. She traveled through at ease, not a single worry on her mind, she hadn't seen the bifrost open yet so she assumed Loki must have given up.

A sudden noise of something cutting through air came whirling towards her, she had no idea what it was until she turned to see a double blade knife, it struck the side of her face, expelling a painful groan as the skin of her forehead spit open. She studied the weapon, deciding it was without a doubt, Asgardian, quickly she churned her gaze towards her attacker, the blood beginning to drip down her face.

A low chuckle sounded from the throat of the man standing before her, he was a bit shorter than Loki, something she was relived to recognize, to her it was her salvation, she knew then she could win this battle.

Sif dabbed at her bleeding head, her vision blurring as she thought up her attack plan, choosing her moves carefully, allowing him the first move.

He clicked his tongue almost mockingly, like a parent chastising their child, "Sif, Sif, Sif..." He paused staring at her footwear before looking back to her, "Such a brave warrior.. I have orders from the king to kill you.. and kill you I shall." He mumbled the last past, throwing a cluster of knives at her, barely giving her enough time to react, she dodged them by less than a milli of a second, stumbling over her own feet as she struggled to keep her vision clear.

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