Part 5

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Part 5

Police station Mumbai

"Did you hear what ria said?"sultan

"Sir...But I don't know why she is doing this ?"Abhay

"So she is lying?"sultan


"OK then Jay?"sultan

"I don't know...They just wanted to destroy me"Abhay

"Why do they do that with u...Jay were your best friend and ria your girlfriend"sultan"No...She was not my..."AbhayBefore he could complete sultan slapped on his face.abhay pressed his face in pain.sultan again slapped him.he pushed him to the wall and hit hard on his stomach abhay winced in pain and fell on his knees.sultan pulled him up in his collar ."What do you say ...Now"sultan"S... Sir... They are lieing"Abhay"Bittuji...I think he needs a better treatmen.take him to the cell and give him the feast...I will join with in few minutes...Remove your watch it may drench with blood.give me missing file Rishab kundra."sultanAbhay looked terrified.bittuji dragged him to the cell Ang started the treat sultan looked through the file"The body was missing...What if he is not dead...But how could madhubala connected with him...Least possibility...But may be there..."sultan thought.he dialed the phone"Sikkandher kundra?"sultan"Yes..."silky"I am from police...You had registered a case one year back in Mumbai police station?"sultan"Yes...My brothers missing case."silky"Why did you...Didn't follow up"sultan"Sir...His car was found out from the river and so we assume d his death...And here his business had to be managed too.So I didn't got time to ..."silky"Is that a family business?"sultan"No rishi own that...He made the company.its a garage.ent factory..."silky"How could you tell that he is dead without seeing his body?..."sultan"Sir...I"silky"Your parents ..."sultan"My father is dead 5 years back.our mother is here with me"Sikky"Is he married"sultan"No...His marriage was fixed ...It was to be done one week after his trip to India.bit what to do...It never happened."sikky"OK ...Who is she?"sultan"My wife's sister...Simar"sikky"OK...Give me her number"sultan"But...Sir she is now married...And doesn't know anything about rishu"sikky"It's ... Okay... Just give the number.when did she got married?"sultan"One month after rishi's missing"sikky"Rishab and that girl..Is that an arranged one?"sultan"No sir...They were class mates from school and love started at school itself"sikky"That's an interesting info...Hmm...Sent me the number...And I will call u ...If I need anything"sultan"OK...Sir"sikkySultan cut the call."interesting.don't. Know whether her lover is alive or not...Still she marry someone else.that too in a month... Something wrong.."sultan

Madhya Pradesh"Rk..."Madhu"Madhu y r u so late?"rk"I had some work to do.its festival season so the shop is working overtime and I have to settle the accounts."Madhu"Here is your coffee...Beevi"rk"Rk...You made coffee..."Madhu"Y not Madhu ...I am all right now"rk"But rk..."Madhu"Shhh..."he put his finger on Madhus lips.she suddenly moved back."Rk...I will make dinner...Let me change my clothes"Madhu"I had already made it"rk"OK..Then ...I want to change."Madhu"You want help...?"rk smirked"No...Go out please..."Madhu"Y should l?You are my wife and what's the problem in it?"rk"Please... Rk"Madhu"Okay"rk left the room.NightMadhu went to the room after cleaning kitchen.she saw rk on.bed."Rk...You here?"Madhu confused"Where else I should go?"rk"Your room..."Madhu"Now onwards this is our room."rk"Rk you know na"Madhu"No Madhu..No problem,I called Kabir today and he told me that I am perfectly alright and now can live a normal life..That means a married man life."rk"Rk ...It's...It's"Madhu stammeredRk stood up from the bed and moved towards her .Went past her and locked the door.he went back and hugged Madhu on her waist.he kissed on her neck.madhu felt goosebumps ..He took her in his arms and placed her on the bed.hesat down beside her and leaned towards her lips.auddenly Madhu jumped out of the bed."No..."Madhu"What is this Madhu... It's okay I am all right Beevi"rk"No...Rk...I...I am ...Fear ..."Madhu"Fear...?..It's not our first time na...Then what?"rk"I mean...Tired"Madhu"Tired?OK...Madhu take rest .I can understand."rk left back to his room"Oh god ...What I will do now...I have to talk with Kabir"MadhuShe dialed Kabir s number."Yes Madhu...Any problem with rk..?Y u called me at late night?"Kabir"It's not that Kabir...It's rk come to me today..He wanted to..."Madhu"Madhu..Did he..?"Kabir"No...I managed it this time...But don't know ...I want to talk with you Kabir.can you meet me at my shop? Madhu"Yes...We will relax and sleep"Kabir"Goodnight Kabir"Madhu"Goodnight Madhu"KabirPolice station Mumbai"Now saythe truth or else we will start next session."sultan"No...No sir.what ever ria said is true..I ...I ..Wanted Madhus money."Abhay "Give him some water "sultan"Sir...But we didn't get any clue about Madhu"bittuji"Let's go to that restaurant and search for some more information."sultan"Sir...Y did you ask for rishab kundra file"bittuji"I don't know bittuji...But I feel some connection between Madhu and rishab kundra.itd just a gut feeling."sultanPearl regency"I want to check the CCTV footage one year back.."sultan"Yes sir"receptionistThey checked it."will you get the view throughout the hotel?"sultan"No sir..Those who enters and leaves"receptionist"Look sir...Madhu"Bittuji said"That means she were here and the tie is 6:15.bittuji she might have seen Abhay with ria.oh...thats the reason..."sultan"But sir...What about other things..Where is the?"bittuji"Sir...Here is she leaving"bittuji"Yeah...Time is7:00.that means she left without meeting Abhay and she spent 45 minutes here."sultan"Yes...Sir"bittuji"Bittuji...Then someone could have seen him.some waiters."sultan"Call all your staff who have been working here at this time"sultan

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