Where am I? What happened? Mettaton blinked online, immediately trying to sit up- only to find himself strapped down. Huh? It took a moment to register where he was: strapped to the very same worktable his beautiful body had been built on. He could remember standing there, staring up at the work in progress that would become him in awe. He could also remember the long process of outfitting the prototype to his old chunky temporary form.

He was in his EX body now. It felt... good. Streamlined. The switch on his back was gone. His memories of before were slowly coming back to him. He'd betrayed Alphys, and... fought the human... and lost. He'd run out of battery power, but not before Blooky had called into his show.

My darling Blooky...

He was cut off from thinking that over any further by Dr. Alphys herself walking into the room. She was supposed to be his best friend. He supposed he hadn't been doing his due diligence in that regard. She had every right to be angry with him. But... how to apologize? Should he apologize? Maybe she would just forgive him anyway. That would be easier.

"O-Oh!" Alphys looked up suddenly and made eye contact with Mettaton. As usual, she had been looking at her feet. She had terrible posture. However, today Mettaton was the one shifting his gaze away. "You're... a-awake. H-How do you feel...?"

"I feel... fine, darling." Physically at least, he didn't add. His body felt fantastic, actually. His emotional state was where the turmoil came in.

She stared at him for another moment, then walked across over to him to quickly unstrap him from the working table. Mettaton sat up and moved his joints, making sure they all worked properly. Everything was to his satisfaction. Alphys had fixed him up wonderfully.

Mettaton glanced at Alphys to find her watching him. "E-Everything working fine...?"

"Of course." He said with a forced smile. "I feel better than ever, in fact. I take it you finished the body?"

"Y-Yes." Alphys nodded. "I f-fixed the battery life issue. It consumes... SOUL energy now. So... you don't... don't need me anymore. You're free to go a-and live your life."

Alphys turned and started to leave. Her shoulders were slumped. Mettaton stared after her in shock.

"...Is that what you think I want?"

She stopped. He watched her take a shaky breath in and out. Then turn back towards him.

"You made that... pretty clear, Mettaton."

"Alphys, sweetheart..." He couldn't bear the way she was looking at him. Wounded, angry, but also... accepting. Like this was only natural. He knew her self esteem was low, but this...? "No, I... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"You tried to kill a child just to get out of here." Alphys cut across him, anger creeping into her voice. "Of course you meant to do that."

"Well, yes, but..." Mettaton searched for what to say. He didn't know. "...You're my best friend."

"Am I?" She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. "Is this how you treat your friends? A-Abandon them as soon as you get what you want? I should've known you'd forget about me and leave, after how easily you left your cousin behind..."

Mettaton's eyes widened. She was right. All he'd been doing is abandoning everyone who truly loved him. He'd been so shortsighted. Was fame really more important than being loved? He didn't think so.

"...S-Sorry." Alphys backpedaled. "I-I think that was crossing a line, I-I mean, I know how bad you feel about-"

"Stop." Mettaton said quietly. "You were right to say it. I needed to hear it. I need... I need to make everything right, don't I?"

She nodded slowly, sympathy in her gaze. She seemed to be calming down now that she'd gotten her feelings out. Mettaton walked closer to her.

"You..." He hesitated. Feelings weren't his strong suit. But... this needed to be said. "You have been a wonderful friend. Every day with you is fabulous, and I can't believe I've been so idiotic as to overlook that. But you're so kind, and you just want to help everyone, and I'll never be able to repay that as you deserve. But I will always be your friend. I swear it."

"...W-Well..." Alphys smiled, tears streaming down her face. He felt himself get the urge to cry as well. So messy, but... he supposed it was long overdue. Alphys hugged him and he felt himself grip her tightly. "...It's a start."

A start. That was good enough for Mettaton. There was hope for their friendship, after all.

Blook Acres - September 1, 2012 - 6:12 AM

Mettaton knocked on the door of the blue house anxiously and tried not to look at the pink house beside it. He'd left that place behind, what felt like so long ago. It was actually only a few months.

The curtains in Blooky's windows were drawn. He wasn't sure they were even home, now that he thought about it. Whatever had happened, before, had caused a lot of confusion as monsters woke up. Maybe they were somewhere else. But he hadn't seen them anywhere in the castle, or on his way. He'd been waiting for Frisk to wake up, himself, but that had gotten tiring, and the longer he put this reunion off the harder it would be.

The door opened. Mettaton hardened his resolve- and immediately lost it as soon as he could see Blooky's adorable face. Their eyes widened as they took Mettaton's tall, fabulous body in. Well, they were a fan, after all. That call from earlier had proven it.

"Napstablook, correct?" Mettaton put on an overly formal, showman's tone. He couldn't let them see how nervous he was. "My name is Mettaton. I believe you watch my show?"

They nodded. Of course they did. Mettaton didn't know why he'd even introduced himself. Obviously they knew who he was. But, formalities. He didn't need to reveal himself just yet... they could ease into it once they'd already started working together.

"I have a proposition for you..."

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