"Anyway, I wanted to know if a certain  handsome, smart, athletic person would want to join my team?" Jasper said to Henry. "You want me to join your team?" Henry said smiling. "Yeah, you have super speed, you would be able to dodge the balls and hit them really hard at the other players" Jasper explained. "Sure man sounds fun" Henry said. "Wait a minute" Charlotte said. "Ugh, let me guess your going to give us reasons why its bad, its wrong, its dangerous, its too much fun" Henry said popping a grape in his mouth.

"I got a reason, your super power is. for fighting crime not dodging balls" Ray said. "Yeah you shouldn't use your super power to win competitions" I said grabbing a grape and eating it. "You three are buzz kills" Jasper said. "Yeah" Henry agreed. "Sorry Kid" Ray said to Henry. Then Ray went back to Schuaz as saw that he had eaten the bloody hot dogs that Ray but in his nose. "Schuaz did you eat those bloody hot dogs?" Ray asked disgusted. "Ill never tell" Schuaz said sneakily. We all gagged and left on out ways.

Me, Henry, and Charlotte decided to go see Jaspers dodge ball game. We were at a little table standing until we saw Mitch start talking loudly. "THE MITCH IS BACK" Mitch said loudly. "Back from what?" Henry responded. "Ugh, ugh, Nothin Hart" he said grabbing popcorn and hitting it at a random kid. Then I started getting the verge to pee and so did charlotte so we did out signal and told Henry. "Were going to go to the bathroom" Charlotte said.

"Why" Henry asked. "To play tennis Henry" I said smiling. "For that im not letting both of you have some of my ice cream" Henry said. Charlotte grabbed the ice cream from the top of the cone and left to the bathroom. I grabbed the cone and followed Charlotte to the bathroom.

When we got out we didn't see Henry at the table. "Where's Henry?" Charlotte asked. "I don't know" I replied. Charlotte looked around and saw the T.V . "Henry's playing" Charlotte said pointing at the T.V . "Didn't ray tell him he couldn't use his hydro morquility to win competitions " I said. "He did, but as always Henry had to disobey it" Charlotte said. Me and Charlotte ran into the dodge ball arena. Charlotte gave him the look while I crossed my arms and nodded my head in disappointment.

We were coming down to the Man cave after the dodge ball game. Henry and Jasper were talking about how the dodge ball game was insane and incredible until they got interrupted by Ray. "Whatcha talking about" Ray said smiling like he knew what had happened. Then Jasper and Henry started to talk about a text message. "Oh really, Are you sure your not keeping anything from me?" Ray asked. "N-nope" they both said.

Then Ray went up to both Henry and Jasper and made a weird face which made Jasper confess. "In sorry" Jasper apologized. "Stop talking" Henry said. "Oliver chocked on a fruit bar" Jasper said. "Shut up" Henry begged. "So I asked Henry to play and we won but now I'm scared of the consequences " Jasper said falling to his knee's. Henry put a hand on his shoulder. "You have killed us" Henry said sadly.

"Henry did you seriously go behind d my back and use use hydro morquility to win the dodge ball game?" Ray asked him. "Yes" Henry said. "Well, ugh, Charlotte and Ivy how could you guys let this happened! " Ray said to us. "Us" Charlotte yelled. "Yeah you two are supposed to be the responsible ones, well more Charlotte " Ray said as I nodded in agreement. "Yeah but we were in the bathroom" I said. "Why" Ray asked us suspiciously. "Because we drink liquids" Charlotte said.

I walked over to the weird couch and sat on the table. "Ugh, just promise you wont do it again" Ray said to Henry. "Oh im doing tomorrow " Henry said. "What?" Ray said. "With all do respect, your not my boss when im not kid danger" Henry said to Ray. "No you boss" Ray said in a threatening voice. "Ah" Henry screamed as he hid behind me. "Henry, you know your taller than me right?" I said chuckling as he smiled at me. "You know what, do whatever you want" Ray said back up.

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