Unexpected (Chenry) part 2

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Henry walked into school the next day, a sad smile planted onto his face as he sighed and finally made it to his locker. The fight he had last night with Char was really unexpected and stupid.

He needs to apologize to her so no more drama would go through his and her friendship. They've never fought like that and Henry then realized it was all because of Colby. Henry shook his head in dissatisfaction.

But just before he could start to collect his text books for his first class, his locker slammed shut just before he was done and a hand slammed down causing all of his books to stumble down to the ground. Henry looked up expecting that it was Mitch but was shocked as he realized that it was no other but Colby.

"What happened last night with you and Charlotte!" Colby demanded with narrowed eyes that were full of anger and hatred. Henry rolled my eyes and began to pick up the fallen books.

"Let's just drop it, alright!? This is none of your business." Henry scolded. But what caused him to fall yo the ground was Colby's fist which thrusted hardly into his stomach.

"What's your problem with me!?"

"There is a lot Oh there is a lot, You are relationship my relationship with my girlfriend!! Now if you don't STAY out of Charlotte's life she would get hurt way worse then you will after this conversation." Colby threatened with clenched teeth as he punched Henry at the jaw.

Henry winced in pain and fell to the ground once more. Colby chuckled bitterly and left as the bell began to rang echoing throughout the hallway. This had never happened before in school and even more shocking, to Henry.

Henry's pov
As soon as I entered my living room, I tossed my backpack to the ground and instantly ran over to our family's fridge grabbing out an uncooked piece of meat and placed it onto my swollen jaw which still throbbed in pain. It's what the school Nurse told me to do once I got home.

Remembering that it was Friday and Charlotte was about to arrive in any second , I quickly sat down and grabbed out my math text book hiding the piece of meet under the couch so that she wouldn't have any suspicion that I was injured.

"Hey hen!" Charlotte giggled in a good mood, setting down her backpack where I had placed mine and sat down next to me.

Remembering what Colby had said to me I moved away from her not making eye contact afraid of what Colby was going to do to me or Char if I had talked to her or even made eye contact.

I didn't say a thing causing Charlotte's eyes to dim in concern and sit next to me no matter how hard I tried not to get her to.

"ever since the stupid fight we had a couple days ago you've been really distant and just not yourself. I need to know what is going on." Charlotte demanded with a stomp of her foot.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I needed to tell some one what is going on even if she didn't believe me.

"Colby threatened me today." I then explained. Her eyes widened.


"Before you resist, it happened. How do you think I have gotten this!" I removed my hand from my jaw causing Charlotte to instantly tackle me into a hug. But once we let go, this was the first time that I really noticed how beautiful her chocolate eyes were.

"Henry...I'm sorry that I haven't believed you about this." Charlotte apologized not even letting go. We stared into each others eyes ant it was...

Charlotte's pov
Perfect...just perfect. Henry is way better then Colby ever was it's just, in afraid that Henry doesn't like me back and would ruin our whole friendship...

Henry instantly looked away from me and walked away from me, into his kitchen and grabbing a piece of meat for his swollen jaw. I can't believe that Colby would do that. I have never known how jealous he could possibly be. 

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