The one dangerous mission

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"Remember our plan?" Ray questioned as him and his sidekick crouched down behind a bush that was right in front of the superhero's worst enemy's hideout. The young boy chuckled at his boss's antics and nodded for the millionth time they were behind that exact bush.

"For the millionth time yes! I'm not stupid Ray. We sneak in from the back," Henry assured his boss jokingly and fixed his red mask that was attached onto his face to hide his secret identity to the criminals that he and captain man was fighting.

"This is nothing to joke about, Henry. We are talking about my worst enemy here! He's been trying to destroy me for like years now! Be careful alright?" Ray replied looking deeply into his sidekick's eyes, making sure that he was listening.

"Alright," Henry answered with a nod knowing his boss was serious. The team of two waited for a perfect time to charge in.

As soon as Ray's enemy's workers came out of the building, Ray and Henry charged from either side causing each of the henchmen to fall to the ground unconscious. They high-fived each other before stepping over the limp body's and sneaked into the building as planned.

"You go to the left and I got the right. Once either of us find him you must contact me at once," Ray ordered. Henry nodded excitedly went the way his boss told him too; he was excited.

This was his first time ever on a mission alone. The young teenager was excited that Ray would actually trust him Like this. This was a huge opportunity to show his real superhero abilities. Henry can show off to the superhero of his hometown.

But just before the young teen could comprehend what was going on; a set of bulky arms wrapped around Henry's chest and aggressively lifted him up into the air. Henry struggled for his life. The blurry figure chuckled as he held the squirming boy against his chest.

"I guess captain man didn't teach you about the element of surprise," The figure commented with a scuff continuing to squeeze the boy's chest.

"LET ME GO!" Henry screamed in fear.

The stranger chuckled bitterly and covered Henry's mouth with his hand. The stranger chuckled and tossed Henry to the ground. Just before he could stand; the stranger heaved him up to the air again.

"Why did Captain Man pick you be his sidekick!? You don't even have any powers or fighting skills." The criminal chuckled allowing the mean words to sink into the sidekick's head.

"Come with me," He demanded before bringing Henry into a headlock and slowly walking over too a door.

"RAY PLEASE--" before Henry could continue the criminal shoved him into the closet and locked the door with a scuff. Knowing he has something that his worst enemy loves; His sidekick.


After moments of searching around the building Ray groaned in frustration. He has still no signs of of his worst enemy Shadow. Shadow was his best friend in middle school, but when Ray's father took him in for training, he was also unable to go to school as well. Which left his best friend alone and who is now wanting revenge because he left.

Ray sighed shakily at that thought and continued to walk down a long narrowed hallway. He kept checking his iPhone for any notifications from Henry but nothing came up causing worry to build up inside of him.

Henry usually always answers his texts as soon as he texts them but this time nothing shows up. But Ray smiled in relief as he started to hear Henry's phone ring tone going off. Ray ran into that direction but stopped in his tracks as it wasn't Henry who was holding his phone; was Shadow....

"Why do you have my sidekick's phone!" Ray demanded with narrowed eyes. Shadow chuckled bitterly.

"Well, for your information Ray your sidekick didn't learn the element of surprise!" Shadow snickered placing Henry's phone into his back pocket. Ray shook his head in disapproval.

"What did you to my sidekick," Ray demanded with a stomp of his foot. Shadow rolled his eyes.

"It's just that you may never get to see your sidekick again," Shadow replied smashing Henry's phone to the ground. Ray's eyes widened then narrowed.

"Give me back my sidekick; Now!" Ray snapped with worry and anger fuming in his chest.

"Now you should get going there superhero," Shadow laughed before shoving ray out the metal unbreakable doors just before Ray could get inside.

"SHADOW YOU BETTER NOT LAY A FINGER ON HIM!" Ray screamed in agony pounding on the doors....But there was no reply....

Ray sighed in frustration and instantly started to run towards the man cave without hesitation; He needed to get his sidekick and best friend back. They have gotten so close since Henry joined that Job that it kills ray that he knows a dangerous criminal now has his hands on his sidekick.

"Hey Guys how was the...Where's Henry?" Charlotte questioned feeling worry built up inside of her chest as she observed that her best friend wasn't standing next to the hero in uniform.

"Dark shadow has him....I can't believe this. The first mission alone; Henry gets captured. I did have a strange feeling when I ordered that we should split up," Ray hesitantly explained.

"SPLIT UP!? Really Ray. That's like the number one no no," Charlotte groaned in frustration.

"Don't blame the plans fault on this one. It was mine. I put my sidekick in danger. Let's just drop or little argument. We have something more important to do right now," Ray mumbled.

Charlotte nodded unable to speak. Ray has never used that tone of voice with her before. She know knew how important Henry was to Ray. It was like he was his son and she was his daughter...Charlotte smiled at that thought before starting to help Ray create plans to destroy his greatest enemy.

Hopefully we get Henry back soon....

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