The proformance of love (henry)

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Henry paced around back stage as everybody was getting everything ready. The school was putting on a proformance and having Henry sing in it. The school had never heard Henry sing before and that worries him.

"Henry, stop pacing." Said Henry's best friend charlotte. She was proforming with him and that calmed him down a bit. But the thing is the school of Swellvie joiner high students never even knew Henry could sing.

"I-im just worried...what if people hate me after they--"

"Henry...dont worry so much ok? I will be there with you." Charlotte assured placing the palm of her hand on Henry's shoulder.

Henry and charlotte have been been friends since they were five and charlotte also had a secret crush on him that nobody else knows about not even her parents, but Henry was very special to her. The best thing that has ever happened to her. How could she not like him? He always has a smile on his face and makes everybody smile.

"You can do this." Charlotte told him full of confidence. This boosted Henry's attitude even more. Charlotte always understood his feelings even if they were stupid moody feelings she was always there for him.

"Time to go on." One of the workers announced before frantically running to get everything set up.

As soon as the stage certains go down both Henry and charlotte both hurry on stage. Henry gets his guitar strap on his shoulder and his microphone set up, and Charlotte was also ready. They will be singing a duet called baby its cold outside.

(A/n: black=Henry regular=Charlotte be free to listen to the baby its cold outside track when Henry and Charlotte begin sining :)

Henry gulped as the certain was about to open. His eyes widened as he saw everybody there...mitch, Jasper, his family and worst of all...Bianca.

"I really can't stay" "but baby it's cold outside"

"I've got to go away" "but baby it's cold outside'

"This evening has been" "been hoping that you'd drop in"

"So very nice" "I'll hold your hand there just like ice"

"My mother will start to worry" "beautiful what's your hurry?"

"My father will be pacing the floor" "listen to the fireplace roar"

"So really I'd better scurry" "beautiful please don't hurry"

"But maybe just a half of drink more" "put some records on while I pour"

"The neighbors might think" "baby, its bad out there"

"Say what's in this drink?" "No cabs to be had out there"

"I wish I knew how" "your eyes are like starlight now"

When Henry sang that lyric just then and there he'd never noticed how beautiful Charlotte's eyes were.

"To break the spell" "ill t-take your hat your hair looks swell"

"I ought to say no, no, no sir!" "Mind if I move in closer"

"At least I'm gonna say that I tried" "what's the sense of hurting my pride"

"I really can't stay" "oh baby don't hold out" but baby it's cold out side!! (A/n: sorry I cut it short but I tried!)

Henry stood there staring into Charlotte's brown chocolate eyes as he heard the audience clap after they finished. Henry leaned in and so did Charlotte....soon, they kissed....

"OH MY GOD, YAY!" Henry heard his other best friend Jasper yell from the audience.

This made Charlotte chuckle but only till Henry comprehended what happened. His eyes widened and he quickly ran off stage...out of embarrassment.

On the other hand, Charlotte stood there with shock. Henry had never ran away from her like that. And she needed to know why. Charlotte sighed shakily and ran in the direction her best friend ran in out of worry and shock.

Henry sat on a park bench, with his head cupped in his and tears whelmed up in his eyes. He had just embarrassed himself and his best friend in front of everybody. Henry was still in his stage performance clothes which contained a white t shirt and black jeans. His hair was slicked back. But he didn't feel good even if he looked good.

"H-Henry?" He then heard Charlotte's voice question. He didn't face her. Henry was to....embarrassed.

"I'm not good enough for you." Henry mumbled making Charlotte's eyes widen. She has always imagined her first kiss with Henry but it was NOT like this...

"Do NOT SAY THAT ABOUT YOURSELF!" Charlotte shouted making Henry sigh uneasily.

"B-but its true--"

"Hart, stop yourself RIGHT...there....You are amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. I love you with all my are so love able that is probably why your name is hart." Charlotte blushed as she said the last part.

Henry smiled and brought Charlotte into a hug. That made Charlotte's heart smile again. Henry always did that to her.

"I l-love you c-char..." Henry admitted shakily. He has been rejected so many times in his past he was afraid it would happen again a-and he was afraid that it would ruin there friendship and--just before Charlotte could reply, she noticed Henry's hands were shaking....

"Henry, your shaking....what's wrong?" Charlotte questioned in concern.

"N-nothing just scared you will reject me and--"

"I love you to, Henry." Charlotte said making Henry smile out of joy and bring Charlotte into a hug. This was one of the best days of Henry's and Charlotte's life.

Henry Danger {One shots/imagines UNEDITED}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu