I nod at him and we share a long, awkward silence. I don't know how to bring up my desires, so I stay silent. I do know I can't stay here longer, that much has become clear to me. I must find somewhere safe, even if it means running away to the mixed community.

"So...," my father trails off, watching me curiously. "How do you feel?"

"Unwell," I say, running my finger along the soft, velvet material of the chair. I don't make eye contact and I can tell it bothers him.

"I think I know something that may help," he says, scooting to the edge of his chair. "Have you ever had ice cream?"

"Ice cream?" I look at him, unaware. I know of ice, but not of ice cream.

"It's delicious and I think we could both use some. Come with me," he stands, holding his hand out to help me up. I grasp it and stand, though it comes with great difficulty due to my aching body. He then holds out his arm and I clasp on, letting him accompany me to the dining room.

When we arrive, he helps me into the nearest chair and pokes his head in the kitchen, looking for his head cook. He eventually disappears and I watch the door curiously, awaiting his return. I knew he had a sweet side, one he displayed when we first met, but this hasn't happened for weeks now and it warms my heart just as a bowl of warm soup might.

"Alright, he's whipping it up in there. It should only take a few minutes," my father comes and sits adjacent to me. I can feel his gaze on me again and when I make eye contact, he starts bouncing his foot up and down while straightening his grey sleeves almost as if he's nervous.

"What is ice cream?" I ask, trying to break through the ice we both seem to be experiencing.

"It's this creamy treat my father, your grandfather, used to give me when I was upset as a child. It has a great deal of sugar, but it's cold and sweet. I thought it might lift your spirits just as it did mine."

I smile. "Thank you."

"I owe you an apology, Scarlett," he says, looking into my eyes. "When you first arrived, I spent so much time trying to shape you into a strong ruler that I neglected my duties as a father. Carlita helped me realize that when I was more angry about the lunch being interrupted than caring about if you were hurt. I truly do want to be in your life, but as your father, not as your king. I hope it's not too late."

I smile even bigger. "It's never too late," I can't help but reach out and hug him. "Apology accepted."

"Thank you," he smiles, softly petting my hair down my head as we embrace. The only thing I can imagine better than this is if my mother could be with us.

We hold our embrace a moment longer and release so my father can go check on our treats. I feel overwhelmed with a new love and adoration for him. Deep inside, the great King Balberis really does have a soft heart and I need to figure out how to use this to help my people join together as one.

"Here we are," my father comes out of the kitchen with two large bowls and gives me one before sitting next to me. I take the bowl, picking up the utensil and looking inside. The contents are white and it reminds me of the texture of gravy, yet it is not as thick.

I softly dip my utensil into it and get some on the tip so I can taste it. As I put it on my tongue, a wave of chills shoots through my body from the temperature of the treat. My father chuckles as I shudder a little, but the taste of the treat is similar in sweetness to the desserts Grandfather always made for us on our birthdays.

"Do you like it?" my father asks, digging in his own bowl. All I can do is nod, taking a bigger spoonful and eating it.

"Good. I thought you might. I don't know how different your human desserts are, but I thought this demon one would be nice."

"It is," I say after I swallow. "How I wish my mother could enjoy it, too."

"Your mother...," he starts, but trails off almost as if he's embarrassed.

"What about her?" I ask, watching him as I stir the ice cream together.

"Did she ever marry?" he asks, putting his utensil down on the table. This is the kind of conversation we should have had a long time ago...

"No, she gave all her time to protect me. She told my grandfather that a peasant got her pregnant and she never found love."

"Your grandfather? So you lived with your grandparents?" he seems confused and I am now confused. Didn't I tell him?

"You knew my mother is a princess, did you not?"

"I knew she was royal, but I thought your grandfather was a prince far from being the heir," he takes a bite and I can't help but let my jaw drop in surprise. He seriously never knew?

"My grandfather is the king," I say, which makes him choke on his food. He makes a fist and brings it up to his mouth, coughing madly into it. I don't know how to help him, so I just stay out of his way while he finds his breath again.

"Your grandfather is the king?!" he takes a few deep breaths to steady his breathing and fans his red face with his hands. "Your mother is heir to the throne?"

"No, my uncle Xavier is the heir. My mother is far from the throne and it's just as well, I don't want to rule."

He ignores my comment about ruling. "So you lived in the castle and you never got discovered?"

"I actually feel that's how I survived. No one is allowed in my mother's bed chambers without permission. It was there she nurtured me and we hid her secret," I say. I finish my last bite and place the empty bowl on the table while my father acts like the world has ended because of my ancestors.

"Thalia was his daughter the whole time," he mumbles to himself, shaking his head. "What was I thinking?"

And just like that, my doubts and fears of being unwanted come rushing back into my heart. Maybe I should have left him in the dark, but I thought he knew. Didn't I mention talking to Grandfather about uniting the kingdoms when we first met?

"Is everything okay?" I ask, trying to ignore any negative emotions I feel. "You seem upset."

"It will be," he forces a smile in my direction and starts finishing his ice cream, clearly still under stress. I purse my lips, running my fingers through my hair to keep my hands busy. I hope he tells me soon or I fear I may lose my mind to my fears.

Maybe there really is no hope of uniting the kingdoms after all. How could I have been so foolish?

The Curse of a Half Blood Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें