Chapter 26

Start from the beginning

"So that's what started it all?" I inquired. "There has to be more to the story."

"Indeed, there is Laura. But, there isn't enough time for me to explain all of it to you. So, I'm downloading everything I know about it into this," The White Queen said, as the computer screen showed her downloading data from the mainframe system onto a single hard drive.

Once the process was complete, a small grey hard drive ejects halfway out of the slot on the corner of the computer. I take the hard drive out—examining it in my hand.

"Why are you giving this to me?" I asked her, as I stored the hard drive away in my pocket.

"Because, you're the only one that can be entrusted with that hard drive. Laura, if that data gets into the wrong hands, the results would be very catastrophic–" The computer screen unexpectedly turned off.

"What the– What the hell just happened?!" Piers exclaimed.

Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, they did. I started hearing the sounds of glass cracking—coming from the other side of the lab. 'Please don't be what I think it is...' Slowly, I begin turning around—glancing over at the cryogenic chambers behind us. I see that one of the Hunters had woken up, and was trying to break out of its reinforced prison.

"Uh guys..." I said, as I got out my AK-12 223 assault rifle. Making sure it was fully locked and loaded.

Piers and Tyler instantly turned around—noticing the B.O.W. as well. As it was very close to breaking the glass and freeing itself. Tyler took out his Silver Ghost handgun, while Piers got out his MP-AF rifle. Immediately, all of us begin backing away—in order to create more distance between us and the monstrosity.

Eventually, the B.O.W. manages to completely shatter the glass with its bare hands, finally breaking free from its reinforced prison. As it was walking out of the cryogenic chamber, it screeched inhumanly loud throughout the room. Its painful piercing cries causing us to cover our ears.

Once it the B.O.W had caught us off guard, it instantly started charging at us. At the last minute, we quickly jumped out of the way before the B.O.W. could swipe any of us, with its long, sharp claws. All of us rolled and landed in opposite directions of one another. 'I'm starting to see why they named it Hunter.'

We got up off the ground with our guns in hand, and aimed at the Hunter. The creature eyed all of us, choosing which one of us to go after. Slowly but cautiously, I started to back away, until I backed into something, something solid but cold. As its eyes landed on me, the B.O.W. began briskly charging at me.

"No!" I heard both Piers and Tyler yell in sync as they started firing at back of the Hunter—the bullets not seeming to have an effect on it thanks to its thick-scaled armor.

I duck and roll to the side just in time, as the B.O.W. tried to take another swipe at me with its talon-like claws. Only to fail, and get its hand stuck in the wall.

"Laura, are you okay?!" Tyler asked me, as he kept his gun aimed at the Hunter.

"Yes for now!" I reply, as I quickly get back up off the ground. While the Hunter continued to struggle—trying to free its hand from being stuck inside the wall.

Right away, I spot a couple extensive liquid nitrogen tanks—standing right underneath the Hunter and up against the wall. 'Perfect.' The guys glanced at the tanks, catching on to my idea right away. So, they hastily take cover behind a of couple desks. I raise my rifle—aiming it at the tanks below the B.O.W. as it peered up and screeched at me.

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