Chapter 2

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A/N: The songs that I think go along with Jerome's intrigue and hate towards Bruce are Arabella by Arctic Monkeys and Prey by The Neighbourhood. But that's just my opinion so..... yeah I couldn't find any better songs. Sorry?

~Jerome's POV~

"Now, Mr. Gretchen, do you know why you're here?" I ask as nonchalantly as possible. I know he stole money from me and he knows that I know. I just think it's hilarious to watch him squirm under the pressure.

"No, I do not, Sir." He says as I watch the sweat run down his face. Won't he just give up already?

"Okay so we have a problem here. You see, I have some very important clients coming any minute now and you still haven't told me what I want to hear." I'm still trying to remain calm but my patience is being pushed to the brink.

"I still don't know what you're talking about, Sir." He retorts. Man he is really determined to die, isn't he? Well, gosh, I might just have to make his wish come true.

"Fine. Alright. You're free to go." I speak calmly trying to create a false sense of security. He gets up and turns to walk away. That's when I grab the sharpest thing near me and plunge it into his back.

"You stabbed me in the back. I'm simply returning the favor." I yell in his ear. I want it to be the last thing he ever hears. Just as his body hits the floor, the elevator opens revealing my important clients.

"Alrighty, time for the second meeting of the day." I announce to the two wide eyed teens. "The first one didn't go very well. Let's hope this one is better. Okay? Okay!"

"Go ahead and take a seat." Says my right hand man, Penguin. Now, don't get me wrong he is a dear friend, but I'm not stupid. Everyone knows he wants my position. Hell, one day he might even kill me to get it. Which I honestly don't mind. Death sounds peaceful. I would never take my own life but if someone were to kill me, I wouldn't complain. I've accomplished all I've ever wanted to and that's enough for me.

As I take a seat at the head of the table, Bruce and Selina take the seats to the left and right of me. I can tell they're nervous and they should be. Maybe Bruce thinks that, because he's Gotham's golden boy, I won't kill him or his friend. Maybe I'll get a chance to prove him wrong.

"Okay, so, umm..." Bruce stutters out. "We're here because-"

"I know why you're here!" I interrupt him. I don't feel like hearing his sob story about his dead parents. My parents are dead and you don't see me complaining. Granted I killed them, but that's not the point.

"Okay then! Can you help us or not?" He yells back. He's got fire, I like it.

"Yes I can, for a price." I respond, calmly this time.

"And what is that price?" I look over as the girl finally speaks up.

"I'm so glad you asked, but it's not your price to pay. It's his." I say while pointing to the boy. "You're the one who wants answers, so you're the one who needs to do me a favor.""What do you want me to do?" He whispers.

"I want you to be bait. You see he," I say as I gesture to the dead man on the floor. "Was only one of the people trying to steal from me. My problem is that nobody cares if he lives or dies, but if I kill his partner there could be an uprising. Because, unlike him, his partner has a foothold here in Gotham."

"Okay, so how do I play into this?" Bruce questions.

"His partner's name is William Shide and Shide has always had one problem, he's determined to kill you." I reply with a smile.

"Wait, why?" Bruce asks.

"Hell if I know, but right now his obsession is of use to me. All you have to do is go to his club and ask to use a phone. Make some fake phone call and then leave. He's guaranteed to follow you and when I see him trying to kill you I'll have probable cause to kill him." I explain.

"Why would him trying to kill me give you a reason to kill him?" He asks yet another question. This kid is getting on my nerves.

"Because you're important to Gotham and I could go to jail if they connect William to your murder and me to William. The cops will think I gave the order." I explain, once again. God this kid doesn't know when to shut up.

"Okay and what happens if Bruce walks into his club and gets killed the second William sees him." The girl speaks up again.

"Then I'll still get what I want because both trying to kill you and actually killing you give me probable cause." I retort, annoyed at this point. "And if you get out safely I'll tell you who killed your parents. Just remember that you both came to me, so either accept my deal or stop wasting my time!"

"I accept." He says so quietly that I almost didn't hear him.

"Bruce, no!" Selina says, clearly distraught.

"What was that, Brucie?" I want to hear him say it again.

"I accept!" He stands up and yells in my face. No one ever talks to me like that without losing a finger, but I don't feel like cleaning that up. So I grab the collar of his shirt and pull his face close to mine.

"You don't ever speak to me like that again. Do you understand?" I talk so only he can hear me.

"Very well." He says sternly while looking right into my eyes. And I'll never admit it but Bruce Wayne is, well, intimidating. I let him go thinking he got the message and sit back down.

"Okay, so, come back here tonight at eight o'clock, sharp. There should be a car waiting for you outside. It will take you back to the motel where you can change and then I'm sure you guys can find your way home from there. Now, get out!" I say quickly and loudly. I want them out because they are definitely overstaying their welcome.

The girl scoffs and walks over to the elevator pressing the down button. Bruce, however, smooth's out his suit and looks at me in the eyes again. Then he leans towards me a little.

"It was very nice meeting with you, Mr. Valeska." He says with a certain glare in his eye.

"Get out!" I scream this time and he just smirks as if he wanted me to break. Walks over to the elevator and gets on. I've had enough of Bruce Wayne. He was so calm as if he wasn't frightened by me. I hate him and yet he intrigues me. But I don't like things that I can't understand, so I hope he dies tonight.

A/N: Okay so I actually really like how this trash turned out. But again I apologize for my terrible writing. Thanks for reading! It makes my day!<3<3<3

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