|78|: Get Up, You Moron

Start from the beginning

"I miss your calm demeanour woman. Please wake up! It's been a week and I still worry about you." Avery cried. "I need you, Chase, I need you, Sapphire. I miss having our daily talks that we used to always do. No matter how big of a goofball or a barnacle head I am — I need you." She cried.

"I'm sorry, I just need you." She bawled into her hands, not being able to stand seeing Chase in this state.

"Hey, eagle." Dustin offered a small smile as he sighed out in honest pain. "I'm sorry that we never got a chance to properly talk."

"I'm sorry I never got to see my little sister grow up in to this beautiful figure right in front of me." Destiny swallowed as she had tear-patches on her cheek.

"We miss you." They simultaneously answered feeling terrible for the way they treated her.

"Dianna Chase. Never would've expected to see or want to know that, that name was admitted to the hospital." Daxton breathed out seating himself down.

"I visit you everyday and I say the same thing continuously." He paused. "I cannot stand to see my daughter stuck in the hospital without even trying to make amends with her."

"I can't loose my little baby." He sighed heavily. "I can't lose you, sweetheart.'

"Please wake up, Dianna." Karly cried as her tears dropped down her face, she held her older sister's hand as Kendall held the other hand.

"I can't stand to see you in this way. Please wake up." Kendall wiped away his tear as the two gave their sister a hug.

"Never would've expected for us to meet again like this." Goodie sighed deeply. "I didn't want this to happen to you." He shook his head. "I'm so sorry." He let his tears fall freely not stopping them.

"For being the biggest jerk to you. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have judged you like that. I'm so sorry."

"I know me and you never got along well with each other, but for what it's worth, I'm glad you showed Ashtrid his place. That selfless jerk." Jingle rolled her eyes. "I just want you to know, I'm going to be here for you. Not because I'm forced to, but because I really want too." She smiled.

"Goodie told me that you don't hate me, really. Which did surprise me." She chuckled lightly. "I really want to know more about you, Dianna Chase, I actually think me and you could be good friends."

"I'm sorry that I kissed Sam twice. I hope you could forgive me after knowing why." She smiled sadly.

Storm just stared at his ex-girlfriend. His friend. His love. Shaking his head, he furrowed his brows.

"What do I have to say? I don't know how my emotions are seeing you in this state. I don't know how you're coping up." He breathed out as he picked up her delicate looking hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Their hands fit like a perfect glove. A small speck of gold dust was created before disappearing at the contact of the two hands.

"I don't want to loose you again." He whispered. "I can't loose you again. I was a jerk and I should've been there for you more often, but I was too cooped up in my own world."

"I am not letting you die, Dianna." His voice nearly cracked at this. "I can't lose my first love." The silence fell on both of them as Storm's dark hoodie represented how he was feeling.

Gloomy, numb and mellow.

"I remember how I first took you on our first date to the forest. Not your typical place, but you didn't like typical. You liked something different." Sam smiled recollecting the memories.

"When you and I just sat and listened to the refreshing beauty of nature, chasing each other around like the carefree type of person you are." He gave a small smile. "Not forgetting that massive cockroach that freaked Goodie out." Storm chuckled lightly.

"We have so many memories together that I'm afraid I won't be able to make anymore new ones with you." He paused. "I'll always love you, Chase. No matter what happens, you'll always be on my mind, like you were back in 8th grade." He placed her hand near his lips as he gave it a soft kiss, a tear escaped as he placed her hand down, wiping at it and getting up, leaving the room.

Everyone had visited Chase and grieving over this harsh news. It had been a week and she wasn't improving anytime soon.

The room was lit dimly as her body looked fragile. Her usual straight hair had lightened and her pinkish lips looked pursed. Her eyes were shut decreasing the sight of those beautiful irises and the hidden emotion she held.

The door slowly opened as a young blonde haired woman made her way to the hospital seat with a couple of bags in her hand.

She stared at Chase, as she picked up her hand.

"You haven't changed, sweetheart." She smiled gently. "You still remind me of the seventeen year old girl you were fighting criminals and taking them down." She stroked Chase's face.

"I'm sorry honey, I wasn't there. I feel like a bad mother." Chase's mom spoke with disgust in her eyes. "Which mother allows their daughter to leave without knowing what they're doing?"

"I kept thinking about you day and night, hearing Kendall and Karly ask about you every single day. I couldn't keep my tears from falling every time something remind me of you." Her mother's eyes welled with tears in them.

"If only I knew it was Ashtrid I would've kicked him out of the superhero kingdom myself." She gritted her teeth.

"I need my daughter back. I need that beautiful girl I raised to come back home. To cheer on her twin brother, go climbing with her older brother, do makeup with her older sister. Most importantly, play dolls with Karly and play sports with Kendall." She weeped.

"I need my daughter and I know she's in there wanting to come back home. She just needs the guidance." Her mom paused. "I am going to be your guidance, sweetheart. I know that I haven't been the best person, but I will be the best mom I promise to you." She rubbed her daughter's hand and breathed out.

"Please come back, honey. Please." Daniella let go of her daughter's hands softly and bawled into her own hands. "I need you back." She released the waterfall of tears as she silently prayed for her daughter's quick recovery.

A small tear dropped onto Chase's arm as it rolled down. There was a sudden movement from Chase's hand, a small one to be precise catching her mother's attention.

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