Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT my story, I found it on and I decided to share it with you guys. All credit goes to girlofalltalents

Disclaimer: I do not own any PJO material, all credit goes to Rick Riordan.

Accidental Kisses

Chapter 1

"Excuse me, Miss Chase and Mr. Jackson."

Annabeth's POV

I huff and slam my pencil on the table in my room, trying to ignore the obnoxious noise coming from next-door. Rolling my eyes, I slide open my curtains to see the outline of his figure, his black hair messy as ever, his head moving unknowingly to the music. For a second, I consider yelling my complaint out the window with the hopes that he will hear, but of course, that probably won't work anyway.

Closing the curtains, I dejectedly walk back to my table, and continue trying to finish my Calculus homework. About fifteen minutes later, music still blaring, I realize it is a futile attempt to try and finish my math. Putting it away, I narrow my eyes out the window again, wishing he would somehow get pushed out the window and into his backyard. It would be better for all of us.

I shake my head and head downstairs, taking my backpack with me.

"Annabeth, dear, where are you going?" I hear my step-mother's voice from inside the kitchen and soon after, her face appears at the door. I give her a small smile and continue my path to the door.

"I couldn't get any work done, so I decided to go to Thalia's." I explain, looking over my shoulder. She smiles and nods her approval.

"Okay, then. Be back by dinner time." She says. "If you want, Thalia can come over for dinner." She suggests, and I nod my head in reply.

Closing the door behind me, I strut across my driveway and onto the sidewalk. As I pass Percy's house, I see Sally watering the plants in front. She looks up and spots me, and gives me a warm smile.

"Hi, Sally." I say, waving my hand with a huge smile on my face. I love her to death, she is like the mother I never had. Not that my step-mother is bad; I just am not used to seeing her and my step-brothers with my dad. I guess you could say I am being selfish, but they way they interact as a family without me makes me angry and wistful.

"Hello, dear!" Sally says cheerfully, shaking me out of my thoughts. As she hugs me, I can only think of one thing.

That asshole is lucky.

The 'asshole' I am referring to is none other than her son is Percy Jackson; the bane of my existence. He is such an arrogant, cocky bastard and it annoys me to no end. I guess you can say it started when we were young; the moment we met, I knew I would not like him. Now is a good example of our mutual dislike.

"Hey, mom, can I borrow the keys for the-" His voice falters as soon as he sees me with his mother, and I smirk over her shoulder. I can see him resisting the urge to glare at me.

This, for some unknown reason, satisfies me more than it should.

"The car?" Sally asks, unaware of our silent war. He manages a stiff nod and she pats my shoulder lightly before scampering off into the house to fetch him the keys. As soon as she is out of our sight, Percy walks up to me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asks, irritation clear in his voice.

"Is it a crime to visit a neighbor?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. He shakes his head as a smirk appears on his face.

"I knew you wanted to visit me," He starts. "Come in, I'll show you my bed." He smirks, making my face flush out of anger.

"In your dreams," I sneer, eliciting a chuckle from him.

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