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You may be wondering, What prizes can I win? If you are, this chapter is for you! This chapter will state the prizes for winning, as well as answer some questions you may have about the prizes.

So, here's how it works:

Each category will have a winner and a runner up. The prizes for each are as follows:


Their winning book added to the official Bloom Awards 2017 winners reading list (if applicable)

•A shoutout on TheBloomAwards

•A sticker for the cover of your book

•A place in our Book of Past Winners (To Be created)

Runner up:

•A sticker for the cover of your book

•A place in our Book of Past Winners (To Be created)

Some questions you may have:

If I win, how will I get my sticker?

All winners should pm me an e-mail I can send the sticker to.

When will I get the prizes if I win?

Your prizes will be sent to you and added to the Bloom Awards account within two weeks of the winners being announced.

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