I Think I Miss Maui

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Ok, so I'm back, and now it's SATs. Just great.

So SATs are today (yay.) and I really don't want to go to school. I mean, do high schoolers really still have to take them? I personally think we shouldn't. They're the same questions every year with the exact same answers that's going to be corrected by a machine that will rise up against us in the future anyway (I'm willing to put sci-fi into this just to get my point across. Tests are evil.).

I especially hate how if you get something wrong or you don't know what the answer is, they think you're stupid for getting it wrong. I think that tests should be illegal. It's just another way for the educational system to judge you and tell you you're stupid.

Ok, so I made a promise a while back that I would talk about it, so here it is. A while back, a person by the username of ThomasPagex asked me to talk about controlling friends.

Now I have a few controlling friends, and let me tell you, they annoy the hell out of me. What I usually do is somewhat humor them by being controlled by them, but I do it all wrong. They eventually stop telling you what to do and are less controlling. Yay!

The only problem with this method is if your friend also has anger issues. If she/he gets upset by your doing something wrong, leave them for a moment so they can cool off. You have to remember, these people are human too, so odds are, they have feelings. They may have reasons for telling you what to do. Try to confront them, tell them you don't want to do what they're asking. If they're your real friends, they'll respect you enough to at least tell you why you're doing what they ask. If not, there are better people for you out there. I find that opposites usually attract, even if they have little to nothing in common.

So here's my question:

If a giant fox came and ate your teachers and school, what would you do?

(I'd rejoice.)

Until next time,

Elly <3

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