King's Queen: 1

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Word count: 1516 <3

"Juliette? Juliette!" I heard my ill father call. I dropped the clothes that I was washing inside the basket before running inside the small house that we lived in.

I went inside and made a sharp turn to my left, opening the door to my father's room. I, once again, expected to see the joyful, healthy and happy man that I was so used to seeing. But once again, my eyes failed me. I saw her very ill father, looking pale as ever and his bones were visible. He wasn't getting better.

"You called for me, father?", I asked softly and he smiled, beckoning me closer to him. His boney hand wrapped around mine. " I just wanted to see my princess " He said in a tone barely above a whisper.

I gave him a weak smile. "How's your job application going?" He asked me, smiling a bit.

"Odessa told me she'll take care of it. Don't worry father, as doon as I get a job, I'll take you to the finest hospitals and get you treated" I promised and he chuckled, murmuring a "Thank you, my love."

We talked for a few minutes until my aunt, who was taking care of father, came back and I left the room, feeling all the sadness I suppressed inside the room hit me all at once.

He was getting worse, and I can't do anything.

Medication is very expensive and we could barely afford the generic brands. We were having problems financially which made me decide to work. Not just because Im "obligated" to, but because I want the best for my father. He took care of me when mother left me for a Bulgarian bonbon when I was 3.

The house phone rang and I picked it up, hearing that it was Odessa, my best friend. 

"Hello Juliette! How's uncle Julian?" Odessa asked me, her voice laced with happiness as always.

"Well... He's comfortable" I tried to answer, biu deep down i knew he was uncomfortable. Odessa muttered an "oh" and her voice was briefly laced with sadness, but she was quick to recover. "Anyway, I have news for you!"

"Which is?" I asked hopefully. I was hoping that she finally got me  a job, a decent one, where in the pay would be sufficient for my father's medicine.

"I got you a job!" She screamed and I squealed. "But only as a maid though, but don't worry it has good pay" Odessa added but I was too excited to care. 

"I don't care! As long as it helps my father, I'm happy!" I screamed in delight. I finally had a job, I finally could help her father. 

Odessa told me the details of me job and how someone would be calling her later on, which serves as a mini interview. After having having a little chat, I bid goodbye to Odessa and mentally prepared myself for "The Call". Sure enough, 5 minutes later I received a call. After a few questions ( and a few jokes here and there), the person who called told me that I got the job. I couldn't be any more happier.


The next day, I got ready to go and meet the family I'll be working for and packed a few clothes, since the woman who called said she will be providing me with uniforms. We will be meeting in a small coffee shop not too far from my home. I went to father's room, seeing him reading a book and my aunt read another as she was sat on a chair not too far from my father. He looked at me and rushed towards him, giving him a hug while I whispered "This is for you, dad." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I said my farewell to him and my aunt and walked to the coffee shop, seeing that it is in a walking distance if you're like me, who is broke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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