Chapter Thirteen

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Don't Push Me

Chantel couldn't sleep for the next month. She always had a feeling of paranoia for no reason. Everywhere she turned, she felt like someone was watching her. Julian had always picked her up after school and she took the bus in the morning with Tiny and Octavia.

"You still want me to plan that party?" Chantel asked Tiny.

"You asked me and now you have to do it. What's going on with you? You always seem tired nowadays." Tiny asked as they both sat in study hall.

Tiny had noticed the small bags under her friends eyes. Chantel never slept at school or at home. Only when she was with Julian. She felt safe around him. But lately he had been investigating and working.

"It's nothing. You know i'm stressing about those midterms coming up." Chantel said rubbing her eyes.

She sent a reassuring smile to Tiny. Chantel tried to convince her that she was okay. But everyone could see that Chantel had something going on at home. Tiny nodded her head but still kept her suspicion with her.

"This Friday I'll come to your house and then I can set up with Octavia. That way we can just spend the weekend together." Chantel told Tiny.

Tiny was fine with anything, as long as she was spending time with her best friends. This was the first time anyone had done anything for her, during her birthday. Other times her mother would just shove a small over-cooked cake in her face.

"That's fine."

After school Chantel waited for her cab to come to the school. Either she called a cab or Julian did. Julian made sure a cab got to Chantel because he knew how scared she was. It was just to make her feel a little more safe. But we all know she would feel better if she was with Julian.

Chantel paid the cab driver and watched as he drove off. Chantel used the key that Julian gave her to enter his second house out in the county. Julian was talking to one of his business partners. He noticed Chantel and hung up the phone.

"You look like shit." He told her jokingly.

She giggled a little bit. Chantel understood that he was just trying to lighten the mood. She had been studying for midterms all month and she needed to sleep.

"It's some food in the microwave if you want something." He said watching her intensively.

Julian didn't say anything as he lead Chantel upstairs. He knew she was a mess. Julian still hadn't found out who sent those things to her house. Julian made Chantel take a nice bath while he changed the sheets on his bed.

The two still hadn't had sex yet. But that was for another part of their relationship. Julian didn't want Chantel for her body, he wanted her for her mind and soul. If that makes sense. Afterwords Chantel emerged from the bathroom with some shorts and a tank top on.

And so they just laid together. Chantel fell asleep a couple minutes after Julian ran his hands through her thick afro. Julian like watching Chantel. He didn't mind waiting on her. And he was glad he was back in the city and with her.

"What man?" Julian harshly said answering his phone.

"We got a problem, boss." Slim, one of the guards that worked at the strip club said.

Julian rolled his eyes and hung up the phone. He checked his phone, 12 am. Chantel would be fine without him for a hour or two. Julian slipped Chantel's arm off his rock hard stomach and carefully lifted himself off the bed.

Julian put on a navy blue suit. He always needed to look professional during meetings. It was his business and he wanted to look like business. Once he entered the club, the loud music was booming through the speakers, and women danced on poles.

Julian snuck off to the secured office. He saw all of his goons waiting on him. Slim had cleared his throat before showing Julian what they had found. A hidden camera and a hidden microphone sat side by side at the bottom of Julian's desk.

"You want us to destroy it?" Sean, another one of his goons asked.

Julian shook his head no, "They'll know if I move it and that shit makes me look guilty. Just keep it right there."

"Aye Slim." Julian called out motioning for him to step outside.

"Yeah, boss."

"I need you to round up all the strippers. We gone find out who planted that shit, tonight." Julian spoke in a hushed tone.

Slim nodded and went back to the entrance of the club. Julian was looking all around trying to figure out who the fuck did that.

The club was dark as the dancers surrounded men. He knew it couldn't have been anyone who worked at the club for a while.

They all treated him with respect and knew the consequences of acting out. In return Julian treated the ladies with respect and a comfortable safe club to dance in.

Asia smirked seeing Julian overlooking the club. He was clearly upset and something was bothering him. He had found the wires.

Let's back it up a bit. Two weeks earlier, Asia walked into the club early. Julian wasn't there and most of his goons were smoking and drinking.

She smoothly walked past the group of men who were supposed to be watching the club. No one saw her enter the office.

The door shut softly. Asia opened her book bag and took out the mic and the recorder. She needed to find a place to tape these without them noticing.

Asia decided to tape everything in the corner of his desk, in the inside. Asia noticed that Julian rarely sat at his desk. He was always interacting with people at his club.

"Who in here!" Slim shouted as he saw Asia pop up from the desk.

"I was looking for Julian." Asia said biting her lip seductively.

Slim rolled his eyes. He thought Asia was some dumb broad. All of the other strippers disliked her.

"Get the fuck outta here." Slim told her and Asia ran out of the room.

Now fast forward to present time. The night had needed at the club. It was going on five in the morning.

Julian had all twenty strippers lined up on the main stage. They were in their regular clothes and looked drained.

"Now I wanna know who the fuck planted some shit in my office!" Julian said.

Everyone was quiet. Julian crossed his muscular arms over his chest and waited. One of the strippers, Cupid, raised her hand to say something.

"Go ahead." Julian spoke.

"I ain't trynna start nothing, but me and the other girls saw some shit that looked suspicious from one of the dancers." Cupid said.


"That bitch Asia."

Authors Note:

Vote and comment please!

My bad y'all my brother is using my laptop for college so I'm not really updating like I want.

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