Once Demi touched down in Detroit, a sleek black Escalade was parked by the private jet to pick her up, and once she slid inside with all of her things she was greeted by Alyssa. The entire ride to Detroit had been filled with nail biting and leg bouncing. On a snap decision, she had decided to stop by Trey's house and grab her PTSD medication, thinking that it would help her relax a little bit but it honestly just made things worse, so she stuck them in the bottom of her bag and decided not to bother with them again.

"His lawyer is getting his bail worked out right now," Alyssa said as she rapidly typed away on her phone, probably trying to handle press surrounding the situation or something like that. The entire flight all Demi could think about was Trey sitting in a cold jail cell all by himself that she couldn't even think about what he could've possibly been arrested for. Drinking while driving? No. Drugs? Probably not. So what was it?

"Why was he arrested?" Demi finally questioned once she saw that Alyssa had momentarily set her iPhone down in exchange for a Blackberry. The only person she knew who still used a Blackberry was Kim.

"His set was supposed to end at 11:30 but things started late so of course he went a little over. I don't even know why but apparently he destroyed the stage and while he was doing that one of the officer's got hurt. I'm waiting for Steven to tell me the official charges, but he should be meeting us back at the hotel," Alyssa explained as Demi raked her fingers through her hair.

Destroying a stage? That didn't even sound like something Trey would do. Out of the two of them, Trey was the most level headed. She couldn't even picture him destroying a stage and assaulting a police officer in the process. Demi wasn't that familiar with the law but assaulting an officer seemed like a pretty serious crime. The whole thing just made her want to cry and rip her hair out. There was too much going on with both of them and she wished that they could just get away from it all, even if it was just for an hour.

"He's not expecting you to be here...and I don't know if he's cooled down so please don't take anything he says to heart," Alyssa advised with a sympathetic smile on her face.

The ride to the hotel must've been at least two hours. By the time they pulled up to the flashy hotel, it was pitch black outside and slightly drizzling. Demi grabbed her bags and followed Alyssa into the cool lobby, standing back a little bit as Alyssa got their room keys and everything. Once she had their keys, they made their way to the elevator and rode it all the way to the top floor as Demi mentally braced herself and tried to calm the beating of her heart.

"Here you go. Have a good night, Demi," Alyssa offered her another smile as they parted ways, and Demi walked down the silent hallway to room 642, the presidential suite. She slid the card into the slot and waited for the light to turn green before bracing her shoulder against the door and pushing it open. All of the lights in the room were on and she could hear water running in the bathroom, so she set her carrier down and let Batman and Robin out. They were a little annoyed about being in such a confined space for a long time but once they got water and food they were fine. Demi hadn't even checked if it was okay for dogs to be in the hotel, but it was too late now.

Demi set her duffle bag on the bed before entering the bathroom and closing the door behind her. There was a Jacuzzi tub, two sinks, and a shower in the back. She could see the outline of Trey's body in the frosty glass, and she took a deep breath as she began to strip out of her clothes and head towards the shower. Once she opened the door and Trey looked at her with a mix of relief and confusion, Demi wasn't sure if she wanted to slap him or wrap her arms around him and never let him go.

"What are you doing here?"

"Seriously?" She deadpanned as she entered the shower and closed the door behind her.

"I told them not to call you. I didn't want you to be-"

"Stressed out? You thought me finding out from TMZ would've been less stressful?" Maybe it was because she hadn't had a good, long cry since the robbery or maybe it was because she was terrified of what Trey getting arrested meant, even if he was out on bail now, but as Trey moved them underneath the soothing spray of the showerhead, she could feel the hot tears running down her cheeks.

"Demi, why are you crying?" He asked as broken sobs slipped through her lips and she tried to catch her breath.

"Because you got arrested for assaulting an officer. I googled it, Trey, that's a felony. You could go to jail. And you can't go to jail because I need you," she whimpered, her tears falling down faster than before as Trey wrapped her up in his arms and kissed the top of her forehead.

"I'll be fine..."

"You don't know that," she continued to cry as Trey rubbed her back and tried to get her to calm down. But it wasn't working. It was like the more he tried to comfort her the more she cried. But anything was better than her being emotionally unattached, even if he wasn't sure if he would ever get her to stop crying.

"Yes, I do. I will be fine. We'll both be fine," he comforted her as she just continued to cry and cry. His fingers ran through her hair and his lips kissed her forehead and he was just holding her and trying to soothe her and calm her down, but it just wasn't working. She cried, and she cried, and she cried. And she didn't think that she would ever be able to stop.

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