06 . the close call

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Draco trembled. His grip tightened around his wand, bringing it out if front of him. His gray eyes scanned the street, looking for the Chief and Master, his heartbeat slowly getting faster.  His disillusionment charm wasn't as good as he would have liked, but he was still confident that they couldn't see him in the dark shadows. 

The chief walked closer to where Draco was standing, his footsteps echoing through the night. Master looked on the other side of the road, farther away from them.

"I know you are here Draco Malfoy." The chief's hissed,  sending a chill down Draco's spine.  Draco closed his eyes shut, holding his breath. 

"It'll be best if you show yourself now." The Chief whispered.

Draco stayed still. He was not going to get caught.

And then, several things happened at once.

The chief stepped on a branch, Draco exhaled slowly, and the Chief send a disarming charm in his direction.

It was wild luck that the Chief's spell hit his target, and Draco's wand flew out of his hand. He swore he saw the Chief's eyes under the cloak brighten.

A wave of panic swept over Draco as the Chief bent down and picked it up. Draco could not apparate without his wand; he was useless without it. His breath was shaky by now. 

"Master, I think I have found him," the Chief's said. "He's here somewhere... help me look." The Chief walked closer to him, inches away from Draco stood. Draco could smell his breath through the cloak.

With a rush of adrenaline, Draco elbowed the Chief in the ribs.

Staggering, the Chief dropped Draco's wand and bent down to pick it up, but Draco was quicker. He had already grabbed his wand from the ground and apparated the hell out of there.


Draco took several deep breaths. He was standing in another alley. It was painfully dark, and he could not see his own hands. He leaned against the wall, trying to calm himself down. 

"I'm an idiot," he whispered to himself. He stood there for several moments, the images of the last hour flashing in his eyes. Finally, he undid the disillusionment charm on himself, and he stepped out of the alley onto the lit street.

He recognized the place immedietly. He had not been here in a long time, but when he had apparated, he had thought of the first place he could think of. And so here he was.

Spontaneously deciding on something, Draco walked for a few minutes before arriving in front of a block of flats. Walking up the stairs, he knocked in front of the flat number 452.

It was several minutes before the door opened, and when it did, a scruffy looking boy stood in the doorway. 

"Draco, what the hell are you doing here at this hour?"

"Hello Zabini. I need a quick word." 

Blaise reluctantly opened the door, revealing a messy, dark room.

Blaise seemed unnerved by the mess and shot an incredulous look at him. "Why did you feel the need to disturb my sleep? Couldn't this wait till morning?" 

"It could, but why wait? And I happened to be in the neighborhood," Draco said, taking a seat on the couch. "Aren't you going to serve me some water?" Draco asked, making himself comfortable. His body was starting to calm down now, and he let out a deep breath. 

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