"Time for you to meet your little brother, Percy." She said standing up as did I as Tyler walked into the living room and froze once he saw me.

Tyler POV

"Mom I'm home!" I yelled as I tossed my bag onto the couch as I thought about the events that happened today "Why was Grover acting so weird today? And what did he mean something had to be returned by the summer solstice?" I muttered as I walked into the living room and froze as I saw someone who looks exactly like me but looked like he could handle himself in a fight and was pretty fit for a twelve year old.

"Uh, mom why is there a clone of me in the house?" I said not breaking eye contact with the boy as he and my mom chuckled "Tyler, come meet your brother Percy." she said as my eyes widened as I looked at my so called brother. "I think the correct term mother is big brother." Percy said as I narrowed my eyes at him "What do you mean big brother? We look the same age." I said as he shook his head chuckling "Tyler, thou are younger than me. Don't let my looks deceive thou." he said while I looked at him confused "Why did you say thou? You make it sound like your from the Middle Ages." I said as he laughed.

"I am from the Middle Age Tyler, the thirteenth century to be exact." He said as I looked at him with disbelieve etched on my face as I looked at my mom to see if my brother needs to be sent to a insane asylum but she had a look of total serious on her face. "Tyler come here, it's time for you to know the truth." My mom said as I looked at her confused but nodded nonetheless and sat beside her while my brother sat on the opposite of us "Tyler, what do thou know about Greek gods?" Percy said as I looked at him "Like Zeus, the Minotaur and Kronos?" I said as Percy and my mom looked around uneasily.

"Names have power Tyler and yes I mean those." Percy said looking around like a monster might jump out of the shadows and attack us "What about them?" I said confused as my mom spoke "Tyler, your father is a god." she said as I looked at her shocked "Your joking, right?" I said as she shook her head as Percy spoke "Me and thou share the same parent, Tyler. Our father fell in love with the same person just different timelines." he said as I looked at him "Who is he?" I said as my mom spoke "Poseidon, god of the seas." she said with a dreamy expression as my eyes widened.

"If he's a god, why hasn't he helped us out in any way?" I said angrily as Percy spoke "I felt the same way when I found out that my dad was a god but the gods or any full immortal are bound by Ancient Laws. What that means is our godly parent can't help us in person but they can help by sending us messages or signs, which I'm sure father has done with you multiple times." Percy said answering my question before I even asked it.

"So if you're my brother then where have you been?" I said as he looked at mom as she nodded as he spoke "I have not been on Earth since the thirteenth century, I have been living and training with the primordials and my adopted father, Chaos, Creator of the Universe." he said as my eyes widened "I am the champion of Hades, Apollo, Aether, Hemera, Nyx, Erebus, Pontus, Thalassa, Hydros, Chronos, Ananke, Gaea, Ouranos, Eros, and Ourea, the adopted son of Chaos and Hestia." he said with a smile as my jaw dropped while I looked at him wide eyed.

"You basically have more power than all the gods combined." I said in shock and awe as he nodded "Yes, this necklace thou see me wearing conceals my aura to that of a normal demigod but with us being children of Poseidon, our aura is stronger than most demigods but only by a little." he said as I nodded and spoke "Can you fight?" I said curiously as he nodded with a smile "Yes, I can use every weapon and if you want I can teach thou." he said as I nodded with a smile as he stood up, looking alarmed.

"What is it Percy?" Mom said worriedly as Percy spoke "Zeus and Hades sense us, we must head to the camp. I'm sure you know where it is mother?" he said as she nodded as she grabbed the car keys to smelly Gabe's Camaro and opened the door for me to see Grover, but when I looked down I saw he had...hooves!"

Percy Jackson Champion of the PrimordialsWhere stories live. Discover now