"Sure thing lil sis, hop on everyone." Apollo said as Artemis spoke "Are you sure that will fit all of them?" she said pointing at the red convertible "Oh right, how about this?" he said rubbing his neck sheepishly as he snapped his fingers as the red convertible changed into a school bus as Artemis nodded.

"Alright everyone hop on." Apollo said with a smile "Come on sis, let's go check out this camp." Percy said pulling my forward but I didn't move I just shook my head "Come of sis, what are thou doing, this isn't funny?" he said pulling me a bit more harder while I still shook my head, trying to stop the tears from falling.

He continued to pull on my arm nearly dislocating it, Artemis nodded at Apollo but he stood there with an emotionless mask on his face "Percy I can't come with you." I said while he looked at me confusion on his face "Why?" he said as I led him over to a spot and explained to him why I can't come. Once I finished his once bright sea green eyes were void of all life and filled shock, hurt, pain, anger, and betrayal.

"Thou left me for immortality, thou were all I had!" He screamed at me with tears running down his face "Percy-" "Don't call me that only my friends and family call me Percy." he said while I felt my heart shatter "Thou promised we would never leave each other and that thou would always be there for me, but thou broke thy promise. Go enjoy thy new life with a bunch of murderers, people who think they are in the right when they're in the wrong. The judges of the Underworld show no mercy to those who rape and murder just for fun, that list will include thee." he spat as he ran off into the forests while the hunters and Artemis stood there shocked while Apollo and the campers were smirking.

"Percy! Wait!" I shouted getting ready to chase after him till shadows wrapped around me and threw back roughly as I landed on my shoulder popping it out of place making me gasp in pain as the shadows started forming two figures.

The hunters all pulled out their bows while the campers pulled out their weapons while Apollo stood there with a smirk on his face "Who are you?" Artemis demanded as the two figures finally formed as a massive aura of power overcame us. "Look at that honey, little Arty thinks she can defeat us." A female voice said while a male voice spoke "Oh how amusing, I wonder how powerful she thinks she is when she finds out who we are." the male voice said as we finally saw the two figures. The female had pale skin with a midnight black dress on with silky black hair that goes down to her waist and was seriously beautiful while the male also had pale skin with raven black hair and was really handsome.

"Who are we? Well it's really simple, we are the personification of night and darkness." The female said with a smirk as everyone's eyes widened except for Apollo who's smirk only grew bigger "Nyx and Erebus." Artemis said in shock and horror as Erebus clapped "Oh how right you are, Artemis. The son of Poseidon tells the truth, you and your hunters are nothing but murderers. When they enter the Underworld, they receive no mercy and will immediately be sent to the Fields of Punishment. And you can't do anything except sit there and watch them suffer over your mistakes." Erebus spat while Nyx looked at me.

"Leave the son of Poseidon alone, he doesn't want your apologies. You've hurt him enough." She spat as they went to disappear "How do thou know what he wants and what he doesn't want?" I said as Nyx disappeared and reappeared in front of me as shadows started to wrap around my throat holding me up in the air making it difficult to breath "Because we have been watching him, he will grow up to become a great hero, his skills with the sword will be unmatched by the Olympians themselves, he will become the most powerful demigod to have ever walked the planet, he will have fame and power that some gods would be willing to die for. He will be Olympus's most greatest hero surpassing Hercules by a long shot, one day he will make a choice, he will either save the Olympians or be the cause of their destruction." she spat as everyone's eyes widened at her statement while I was tossed back to the ground, gasping for breath.

Percy Jackson Champion of the PrimordialsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum