Chapter 14: The Truth

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.:.Karolina's POV.:.

I woke up this morning, a gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach. If I stepped out of this room, I didn't know what would happen. Would it go wrong? Would I be punished? What were they going to say? Would they judge me?

Of course they wouldn't judge me, they were my parents, but I wouldn't rule that one out because for all I knew, they could assume that I was sleeping with him since we lived in the same house at the moment. But they knew me better than that.

I should throw the thoughts like that out of my head.

"Hun, come down stairs when you're ready please? Bring Brad with you." My dad's voice rung from the bottom of the stair case.

I took the longest shower, dreading my way down there. I was terrified with what was coming. Eventually I was ready, and knocked on Brad's door. He opend it, stepping out and shaking his hair before running a hand through it.

"Ready?" He asked, calm as could be. I didn't understand how he could be like this, while I was close to hyperventilating or passing out even.

Nervously I shook my head, Brad placing a soft and gentle kiss to my temple.

I arrived in the living room first, Brad behind me. Mom gestured me to sit, followed by Brad taking the spot next to me.

"Is there something you want to tell us? Anything we need to know?" My dad asked hesitantly, my mom watching as I fidgeted with my fingers nervously.

The clicking of the grandfather clock's pendulum began to get louder as my focus was trained on my hands.

"Yes." Brad said truthfully. I looked up from my hands and to my mother.

"Well. I, We..." I said nervously, losing my words.

"You two like each other don't you." She asked us, a slight smile on her face.

"Y-yes. I do. I really like him." I said quickly.

Brad was stunned, unable to speak. I never really admitted it straight up just like that for him to hear.

"I saw this coming the minute we met him. A polite, sweet, and handsome young man like Brad, how could you not." She smiled.

"I tried to fight it in all honesty, but I couldn't." He admitted, turning to me. His eyes softened as I managed a smile.

"I'm not mad. I just don't want to see you hurt when he has to leave. You realize the semester is over in a week." My dad said worriedly, his eyes shifting from Brad to me.

"I know. That's why I am preparing myself for the worst." I admitted through breaths.

"Don't do that. Just cherish the time you have with him. I'd rather know about this than you two hiding away. I won't keep you from that, if you two feel this way."

I just nodded as it literally broke my heart to hear the words that he'd be leaving soon.

****Weeks pass****

"Come on you goof!" He laughed as he pulled me along.

We spent as much time as we could hanging out, with and with out the whole gang. Jo and Scott admitted they'd miss him as well, as they had grown fond of Brad and his presence. 

Not long after we told my parents, it was time to tell Scott and Jo. They admitted they saw it coming one way or another. And I couldn't blame them. I was just blind from the beginning.  

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