Chapter 12: Until We Know

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.:.Karolina's POV.:.

I waved to everyone as Brad and I headed back to my car, ready to go home. 

Our pace was steady but slow, keeping pace with each other. My hand remained at my sides, the back of his hand gently brushing against mine then and again making our way down the lot. My eyes followed the ground, only to look up and wanting to see the smile on Brad's lips.

His smile, if it were ever possible, could light up a whole room. It seemed he was that genuinely happy. And it literally made my heart skip a beat. It pounded in my chest.

His hand slowly slid into mine, and he intertwined our fingers together. The feeling of his hand in mine was like no other. Like it was a perfect fit, like it was meant to be there. I smiled up at him as we arrived at our car.

I leaned my back against the side of it, Brad in front of me as our hands were still interlaced.

"I like this." I smiled, as I stared at our hands together.

He smiled before looking out into a distance for a moment, his forehead crinkling in the middle as he was in deep thought.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked quietly. He nodded, waiting for me to start.

"You were avoiding me a bit this past week, ever since the beach. And now this?" I said, jokingly holding up our hands. "Can you just explain what was going on. I feel stupid."

Brad chuckled before he began to answer.

"Well, once I found out that the family I was staying with had a girl my age, I made sure I was to keep away. I knew I couldn't develop any feelings for her, because one year later, I'd be going back home to England. I did a fine job at first, thought once I started to get to know you more, it was harder to stay away."

"But that doesn't explain this past week..." I brought it up, again trying to get more explanation out of him.

"I tried to stay away, but the more sad you became over Scott, the more I wanted to comfort you, you know? I didn't like seeing you that way, and it made me happy to know that I could make you smile. But then there were times when it irritated me that you couldn't get over him. I know I'm being harsh, but you didn't deserve to be unhappy. I know I shouldn't have kept my self from you like I did. But I can't stop now. Not when I've come this far." He finished, placing his free hand to cup my cheek.

He reached for the door, gesturing me to enter the car. He shut the door and entered the passenger side before we finally headed back home.

As I reached the driveway, my mom and dad's cars were outside, parked. They were home.

A long huff of breath left my system as I gathered my bag and exited the car. How was I supposed to explain this to them? That I liked Brad and he liked me back. What their reactions would be, I didn't want to find out. At least not yet.

I turned the key, opening the front door. Mom and dad were out back, playing with Rae on the mini playground we had. Brad and I just made our way up the stairs and down the hall.

We stopped in front of our rooms, setting my bag by the door. He opened his door and tossed his bag inside before turning back to me.

"You wanna come sit and talk?" He asked me, a cute soft smile upon his lips. He studied me quite a bit as I decided what I should do.

"No, I don't think it's such a good idea. I need to study anyway." I said truthfully. In his eyes, he seemed a bit disappointed at my rejection, but I couldn't. What if my mom or dad came up to find me? It would only become awkward. That's why I chose not to.

"No, no, I get it. I do to." He shook his head and laughed it off.

"It's not that I don't want to. I do, I just think it's not the best idea. I think my parents would be suspicious." I informed him. It was true. I couldn't break the trust of my parents.

"You don't want them to know?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion and somewhat disappointment.

"I mean I do. But not until we know what this is. You know?" I said quietly, intertwining my hand with his. He leaned against the wall, bringing our hands up to his chest. He pulled me close before pressing his lips to my forehead. I exhaled my breathe and pulled away, a faint smile on my lips.

"I'll see you at dinner then?" He asked as I walked towards my room. I was pulled back as our hands had not seperated, causing me to be pulled back into Brad.

"Yes." I said quickly before kissing his cheek. I disappeared into the confines of my bedroom, overwhelmed a bit by what is happening. It was no dream. It was real. I pinched myself just to make sure I was awake.

I sat for hours alone in my room, finishing up some homework. With my earphones in ears, I disappeared along with the music, caught up in my work. I pulled one earphone out, thinking I was hearing things. Hearing nothing, I went on when the knock was heard this time. I went to the door, opening it to see Brad.

"So I did hear the door." I laughed.

"Come on. It's dinner." He nodded toward the hall, gently grasping his hand in mine. We walked slowly down the hall, myself cherishing this feeling I once desired. It felt nice. But it was too good to be true. Nearing the end of the stairs, I pulled my hand away, knowing that if my parents saw this, it would disappoint them, and most of all, they wouldn't trust me like before. I knew someday I had to tell them, but now was not the best time.

"Hey kids. Your plates are ready." Mom smiled before retrieving a few glasses from the cupboard. "It's been a whle since we all have had dinner together like this."

"Mom it's been like a week." I said, sarcastially. She laughed it off, turning to Brad. Suddenly, my insides flipped. Nerves ran high, and he hadn't even spoken yet.

"So how's school been, Brad?" She smiled,poking her fork into the salad on her plate. "For the two of you."

"It's been great. I like the classes and the people." He smiled back.

"Karolina? How about you." 

"Same." I said non-chalantly. 

As we all chatted a bit during dinner, I excused myself and sat out back in one of the lounge loveseats, leaving the back sliding door open. I stared up at the sky, mindlessly wondering.

"Hey you." Brad said as he made his way next to me. He sat down, the silence taking over, though you could still hear my parents.

I turned to look at him, the same cute smile playing on his lips.

"Hey-" I managed to say before his lips gently pressed onto mine.

© 2013 ILLUKEMINATTl. All Rights Reserved.


Hello loves!

Just thought I'd update before I go to class. I think I'm going to focus on one fanfic at a time so that I finish the few I have that are ongoing. Just to make it faster, because I already have two new fanfics I want to release.

Who is excited!?

Another Harry Styles, and a Janoskians fanfic :)

Please don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, FAN and such :)

Love you all,


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