Chapter 28

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I hated fighting with Ron. Each time it brought back the fear that he hated me. At least Lavender wasn't there any more. But I still couldn't convince myself that he loved me. Every time we fought, it felt as though he didn't care. I'd never tell him that though; he probably would hate me for that.

As the thoughts whizzed around my head, I found myself sinking to the floor, leaning against the wall. I found that I couldn't stand; I was shaking too much. I wish I'd never gone to the library this morning. None of this would've happened.

Why today? I should be happy... one of my best friends was about to propose to the other! But instead, I just felt guilty and depressed.

Suddenly, Ginny appeared from around the corner. She looked really happy.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked her.

"Why do you look so sad?" she questioned. I wasn't ready to tell her quite yet...

"I asked you first!"

"Well, Harry's just asked me if I wanted to go into the Three Broomsticks with him tomorrow!"

Aha! So he took my advice, then.

"That's brilliant, Ginny!"

"Why do you look sad?"

"Because Ron's just shouted at me."


I am an idiot. How could I just yell at her like that for no apparent reason? She just told me the truth and what did I do? I just... I just...

I was worried, though. But even that's not a good enough excuse. I've really upset her. I can tell. How am I going to apologize for this? I couldn't. She'll never forgive me anyway.

I know I should be used to us aruging by now. But I'm not. Every time we argue, I hope it's the last. But it never is. We're bound to fight over something else as well.


The next day, Harry and I were sat in the Three Broomsticks. He seemed really nervous again; I wondered what it was this time.

We were sat drinking butterbeers when Harry finally spoke.

"Ginny? Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can." I replied.

Harry pulled a blue velvety box from his pocket and got down on one knee. I couldn't believe it. Was he going to-?

"Ginny Weasley, will you marry me?"

A/N; Yay, I really wanted to write that part. Hi Shannon, Izzy, Jo, Maria etc.

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