Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Maria Keen

A/N: Oh, come on. Who on Wattpad would be writing a fan fiction on thier own story? I'd love too own these characters, but unfortunately I cannot.

And, as always, thanks to Izzy and Jo. And hi to Maria.


I woke up early on the morning of the first of March, the reason being I had just remembered my brother's birthday being  today. How could I forget my own  brither's birthday? Some sister  I am. I turned my head to find Hermione's bed empty. Hm. No doubt she'd be downstairs, doing all of her homework before everyone woke up. But really, on a Saturday? Oh dear. I may have to help my friend get a life away from studying.

I trotted into the common room to find Hermione, as I had suspected, scribbling away on a piece of parchment with a quill.I sat down beside her.

"Why do your homework now? Why not wait until tomorrow, like everyone else does?" I asked her. She must have known I was there,  because she just replied, rather simply,

"I'm not everyone else."

"Yeah, but still-"

"DONE!" She exclaimed, throwing her quill onto the table.



Hey, I've just noticed that I'm loading the chapter involving a birthday on my friend's birthday! *-*


A few hours later, me, Harry, Ron and Hermione all made our way to Hagrid's, so we could have breakfast with him and so he could give Ron his present.

Harry  knocked on the door, and Hagrid opened It.

"'Appy birthday, Ron" he said. "Come in,come in."


"Righ', Ron's presn'. should be 'round the back."Hagrid stated, with a wink at Harry."I'll be righ' back."

And with that, he was gone.

"Harry? Why do I get the feeling there's something that you're not telling us?" Ron questioned him.

"Because there's something I'm not telling you?" Harry offered.

"Great. Just great."


"I can't believe you told Hagrid to get me a hippogriff for my birthday." Ron growled later that day.

Me and Ginny cracked up.

"It's not funny. I've got to cope with this, you know!"

A Harry Potter Fan Fiction; Hogwarts UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now