Chapter 21

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I slammed the door to my dormitory shut and hit it with my fists. Fortunately, it didn't make a dent. Not that I cared about that right now.

I walked over to my bed and lay down, trying to control my anger. I closed my eyes, breathing hard. How could Harry do this? I began to shake, not sure what was causing it.

I calmed down slightly, and then found myself fighting the urge to sob. Now I was just worried. What was going to happen to Hermione?

I tried to stop these horrible thoughts, and the images and memories that came along with them, but it was just to hard. I was terrified that Hermione still thought that no one cared about what happened to her. I wish she'd never mentioned it; it was only making me feel worse.

I was glad no one was in the room. I needed time alone.


I left the Ravenclaw common room the second I could, wanting to avoid my sister's angry, deadly grasp that had only excited since yesterday. I sprinted with all my might until I was well out of the way of the common room, and then slowed to a walk, clutching my side where a stitch was throbbing.

As I walked, I reflected on the previous day... the day I finally made friends. I hadn't had a single friend here for my whole six years at Hogwarts.

"Lili, wait!" a voice sounded from behind me. I spun around, in fear of seeing Cho, to find Luna. I sighed with relief. "I didn't know you were a Ravenclaw!" she finished as she caught up with me.

"I didn't know you were a Ravenclaw!' I exclaimed.

"Well, I am."

Silence followed.

"Look, Luna, I'm really sorry about Cho" I spat the name out. "Yesterday." I finished.

"It's not your fault. You can't help what your sister's like."


We both sighed.

"Who were those two people?" I asked with great curiosity.

Luna looked confused. "What two people?"

"The two that left just before we met."

Luna nodded slowly. "That's Ron and Hermione. Cho had put this spell on Hermione..."

I gasped in horror. "Did it make her ill?" I asked.


"Oh my god. I thought Cho had stopped using that. So what happened?"

"Ron kept trying to stop Cho, but whatever he did, it just made Cho angrier, which made Hermione worse. In the end I had to tell him to take her to the hospital wing."

" At which point Cho and Ginny were fighting."

"Yeah. Made it easier, I guess."

I nodded slowly.

"Cho's been vile lately. She never used to be like this." I mumbled, frowning.


My dreams were full of the disturbing thoughts that had been circling my head all day. I hoped Ron had left; I'd hate him to see me like this.


The blood gushed out of my hand in a red waterfall and landed on Ginny.

"Aaa! Get your filthy blood off me!" She screamed. "Help! I have a Mudblood's blood on me!"

Ron and Harry looked up to find that they also had my blood on them.


"Get away from us." Ron warned.

"It's disgusting!" Harry exclaimed.

I always knew it. But I had hoped... I had always hoped that I was loved... that I was different....


I woke up with my cheeks stained from tears.

A/N; Thanks to IzzyKay for writing that last bit (except the last sentence) for me! ツ

A Harry Potter Fan Fiction; Hogwarts UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now