Chapter 36

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A/N; Thanks for writing part of this, Shannon. 

God, I drafted this on my school trip to France in JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hermione's POV

Ginny was showering me with questions about the past few days, and I was strugglung to answer all of them.

"So, are you sure you're OK?" Ginny asked. Hopefully, that would be the last question.

"If you want the truth... no," I admitted, "I feel awful."

She looked concerned, and I felt a strong rush of friendship.

"You really shoudn't let Cho get to you like that," she told me. The sudden advice took me by surprise. 

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't know, to be honest, but I do know she's gone too far now."

I looked down at my hands. How am I supposed to stop Cho from treating me the way she does? Surely she knows the best way to hurt me is to hurt everyone else, and if I try to stop her and fail, that's exactly what she'll do. She definitely knows I couldn't cope with the guilt.

"Why did she even do it in the first place?" GInny questioned.

"Think about it," I explained. "She's lost so much over the last four or five years. She probably wants to make me feel the same way."

Lili's POV

As the owls circled the great hall, I was shocked to see one drop a letter in front of me. A letter from Cho. How dare she send a letter aftern all she's done, when she knows if she's caught, she'll most likely get expelled, and maybe worse.


Don't let anyone see this letter. I'm just writing to check that my plan is working, and to ask if anyone  else knows. Please don't tell those Wealseys. If they know, everyone will know.

They're not like that. They'd keep it to themselves for Hermione's sake.

I'm finally home. Our parents weren't too happy about what I did, but I explained why and pretended  that I didn't mean to blame it on the Granger girl. They won't ever know.


Before anyone could see the letter, I shoved it into my bag, deciding to show Luna later so we could talk about what to do with it.

Ginny's POV

If possible, I hate Cho more than I did before. (A/N; Ginny, you don't hate, you STRONGLY DISLIKE) I'm burning with anger abouit it. She wants Hermione to feel like she does. She didn't just do it for the sake of it.

"How can one person cause so much damage?" I spat.

"I don't know, but Cho's managed it, hasn't she?" Hermione said. I looked up at her. She seemed so worried and afraid.

"Don't worry. It'll all be fine, you'll see." I hugged her comfortingly, and she started sobbing into my shoulder. 

"They all hate me, don't they?" her voive was muffled from her crying. "Don't they?" she screamed when I wouldn't answer. I hated seeing my best friend like this.

"Stupefy!" I cried out without thinking, pointing my wand at Hermione. She fell backwards, her eyes closed. Her tears stuck to her face, no more falling. I felt guily- she was only afraid, and who wouldn't be?- so I pointed my wand at her again. "Renervate."

The last of her tears fell down her face as she stood up and stromed out, mumbling about everyone hating her. I guess I didn't help.

A/N; See, I uploaded! Sorry it's sp short again though. I had to cut loads out because it made no sense.

A Harry Potter Fan Fiction; Hogwarts UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now