Little Bear

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˙Little Bear˙

Pairing: BjörnIronsidexReader

Word count: 2.018

Warning: none

Story plot: You are the niece of Harald Finehair and Halfdan the Black who comes to visit the two in Kattegat only to be pried upon by the eldest son of King Ragnar who seems to have fallen for you the minute you shot down a bird in the sky with an arrow

Raiting: PG

Note: This one really sucks. Ha ha... Please stab me :)


Kattegat had proven to be a place where you could freely practice your archery skills with your two uncles who had been more than happy to have you here. Their reaction when you first came to the small village was one of joy and excitement, knowing you would practice your skills with them happily. 

Queen Aslaug was a woman of godly beauty and every time you would talk to her a sudden blush would surface on your round cheeks, showing just how much you respected and looked up to the woman who bore four healthy (well, more or less) boys. She was kind towards you and so was King Ragnar who only smiled at your presence whenever he saw you. 

You were the reason why most people smiled, your whole persona was of a joyous young woman.

As you walked through the market, with young Ubbe as your guide, a sudden unerving feeling that you are being watched washed over your small frame. Your (e/c) travelled through the crowd of people but they couldn't seem to pinpoint the person who was observing you. Ubbe turned towards you seeing the uneasiness in your eyes and asked:

"Is something the matter (y/n)?"

"Hm? Oh no, nothing. I apologise, I was thinking about something irrelivant." You waved your hand in front of your face and smiled. "Shall we continue our hunt for the dress?"

Ubbe nodded and went to lead you towards the merchant with the finest silk gowns you can imagine. Today you were buying a new gown because your uncle Halfdan had accidentally cut the sleeve off of your previous dress while he was horsing around with his brother. The two felt so bad they gave you a leather pouch filled with golden coins so you could buy more than one dress. You felt bad and promised to buy just one dress. But somehow they had managed to convince you to buy more if you took a liking to it. 

"Here we are." Ubbe said, stopping in front of a stall filled with the color palette of the earth. "Hey old man, show this young lady the most beautiful dresses you own."

The older man which sold dresses frantically started pulling out different colored dresses and you were sweating a little bit under the pressure of choosing the right one. You were really bad at buying yourself clothes, that's why most were brown gowns which were quite easy to move around in.

"Which one would you like little miss?" The old man asked.

You nervously placed a strand of (h/c) hair behind your right ear and let your eyes slowly observe every single one of the cloths presented before you.  The annoying feeling of being watched did not help your case but somehow you managed on pointing out a dress of deep maroon shades. The old man nodded at your exquisite taste as he called it and quickly gave it to you at a simple price of two golden coins.

"Thank you for accompanying me Ubbe." You smiled at the young man as you both walked back to the Great Hall. 

"Do not mention it (y/n)." Ubbe smiled back.

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