Chapter 4

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Hiccup felt a slight tingling sensation as the fire engulfed him. He was surprised, he thought it would feel hotter. He decided it would be best not to move, and wait for events to play out. He watched as the pulsating fire began to move slowly in, towards him. The fire began to stream towards him, spiralling and becoming a whirlpool.

Then, all of a sudden the fire became electric blue, and with no warning, it dived down, still spinning, into his eye. He suddenly felt pain like he had never experienced before, needles poking into his skin, biting at him. His vision went red for a moment, then all was black.


Valka watched as the fire engulfed her newly-found son, her heart in her mouth. What was happening? She stared as the fire began to spiral, pulsating. Suddenly Toothless fired a plasma blast at it, and it became an electric blue colour. Then it dived into Hiccup's eye, and in that one instant, his eyes became a more grassy hue of green, and the pupils slits.

The eyes of a dragon.

The eyes Night Fury.

Then he collapsed in a heap on the ground.

She rushed to his side, and felt for a pulse. There was one. She called for Cloudjumper, who swooped down from the throng of dragons, and she laid Hiccup on his back.

"Take him to the living-quarters, Cloudjumper." She asked of her dragon, and Cloudjumper obliged.


Six days later ~ Astrid's POV

"Tell me again, what happened?"

Since the Dragon Master had been taken, it has been chaos. With a capital C. Some of the Dragon Master's friends had turned up, demanding to know where he was.

First, it was a raven-haired girl called Heather on a Razorwhip, named Windshear. She had only gone a few days ago. Then it was a rather well-developed man named Eret, riding a Rumblehorn, Skullcrusher.

And now it was another raven-haired girl called Brigitta, riding a Raincutter called Aurora. She was constantly pestering me to tell and re-tell what had happened, and was interrogating me for the third time today.

"I've told you. He was flying along using his flight suit with Toothless. Then, this dragon just dropped out of the sky and grabbed him. Another one took Toothless. Happy now?" I groaned, exasperated.

"And whereabouts did this happen?"

I sighed. "Just off Raven Point."

"I'm going to look there. Maybe we will find something. Come on, Aurora!" She leapt on to her dragon's back, and they took off.

I actually felt relieved. Stormfly came and nuzzled me.

"Just wait a minute, Girl. I'll go and get your chicken."


Hiccup sat up. He was in a bed in a cave, with Toothless dozing beside him.

"What happened?" He asked the world in general. His whole memory was blank from his conversation with the Bewilderbeast. He sat there, thinking for a while, until he decided that he would gain nothing from inaction. He swung his legs off the edge of the bed.

His prosthetic was missing. He looked around, and spotted it on the table next to him. He reached for it, and dropped it with a loud clang. Cursing under his breath, he reached for it again, but didn't reach it before he was bombarded by sticky dragon-slobber.

"Hey, Toothless! Good to see you, Bud!" He exclaimed. Toothless stopped licking him.

"Finally. You've been unconscious for weeks!" He whined.

"Weeks? Seriously?"

Toothless didn't answer. He shoved Hiccup's prosthetic at him, and whined.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming Bud. Don't get your tail in a knot!" Hiccup chuckled. He attached the prosthetic, and stood up, a little shakily. His senses seemed heightened, somehow.

Colours seemed richer and more vibrant, he could smell at least ten different scents, and he could hear sounds from a long way away.

The door in to the room opened, and Valka came in.

"Oh, Son, you're alright! Thank Odin!" She exclaimed, then rushed and hugged him. He stood shocked for a second, then hugged back.

"What happened, Mom? I don't remember anything after my conversation with the King." He questioned, as they broke apart.

"The dragons blew fire at you. It surrounded you, and then Toothless shot a Plasma Blast at it, and it dived in to your eye. You collapsed, and you've been unconscious for six days." Valka explained.

Hiccup shot Toothless an accusatory glance and Toothless gave an innocent gummy smile. He looked back at his mother.

"How come you can speak to the dragons?" She asked.

"The King said that it was because I have a dragon's soul, or something." He replied.

"Is that why they covered you with the fire?"

"He also said that I needed to be 'let out'. I don't know what it means. He also said... That I will be able to transform into a dragon."

Valka stood still for a moment.

"There is a legend," She said softly. "That a man shall unite the humans and the dragons. They say that he will be able to become a dragon at will. A Night Fury with wings of lightning."

"You think-" Hiccup said, dumbstruck.

"I think you are that one." Valka said, very quietly.

"We must find the king!" Hiccup said. They dashed off, followed closely by Toothless.

Halfway there, they stopped in their tracks.

They heard... Voices. Coming their way.

Yup! Another cliffhanger to be getting on with. At least it's not as bad at the last two.

So, rather boring explanation chapter. All the explaining is done now, so now the adventure can begin.

Who do you think the voices are? I don't plan in advance, I just write whatever comes into my head at the time, so it might be anyone.

Sorry if I'm harping on about his Night Fury soul a bit, but I think it all needs to be explained, and if one character explains it all, it's not very realistic.

So Cloudjumper introduces it to him, the Bewilderbeast gives him the basic information, and Valka elaborates. All done now, so no more harping on.

And now the colossal Author's Note is over.

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