Prologue: Flight to Freedom

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NOTE 08/08/22: Heya humans! It's me. I'm not dead. I just... moved on, I suppose. These books were unpublished for a long time because I was embarrassed by their very 14 year old's quality, but now they're back because I know that however bad they may be someone may still gain some enjoyment from them. And since that's what I'm all about, then you can have them back <3 I hope someone has some fun with these pieces of history!

ORIGINAL A/N 27/11/17: This story began as a mash up of all the 'Hiccup Runaway' stories I saw on here, and has sort of taken on a wierd life of its own. It starts off taking aspects from all the hundreds of runaway fics I saw, then it slowly becomes its own story.

Fly, Fly, Dragons, Fly. 

Fly away, into the sky,

And swoop away, up on high.

"You've done it! You've done it Hiccup, you get to kill the dragon!" Exclaimed Gobber.

"Oh I can't wait, I am so -" Hiccup moaned insincerely, as he was hauled up on to Fishlegs' shoulder.

"Leaving. We're leaving. Let's pack up, looks like you and me are taking a little vacation. Forever." Hiccup addressed his dragon, Toothless, as he looked in his basket of things. "Oh, man." He moaned as a shadow crept from up behind him. He turned round, dreading what he would see behind him.

"Wha- What the-" He stumbled as his brain was thrown into overdrive. Astrid stood behind him menacingly, both hands clamped on her axe. "Err... what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I wanna know what's going on. No one just gets as good as you do. Start talking." She growled, twirling her axe and advancing." Are you training with someone?"

"Err... Training?"

"It'd better not involve this!" She grabbed a shoulder pad of Hiccup's flying gear.

"I... I know... This looks really bad, but this is a..." Astrid rolled her eyes and pushed Hiccup to the ground, storming over him.

"Err... You're right, you're right, you win. I'm through with the lies. I've been making - outfits!" Hiccup scrambled up again. "So, it's time everyone knew. Drag me back, go ahead. Here we go..."  Astrid grabbed his wrist and twisted it back violently to shut him up. "Ow! Why would you do that?"

"That's for the lies." Astrid kicked him over. "And that's for everything else." She dropped her axe handle first on to his stomach, earning a grunt of pain from the Viking at her feet. Just as she was picking it up again, however, there was a roar from the other side of the cove.

"Oh man." Moaned Hiccup. 

Astrid gasped. She pushed Hiccup, who was just getting up, back over again. "Get down!"

Toothless roared again, bounding over at the strange girl assaulting his human. "Run! Run!" She screamed, readying her axe. 

Hiccup flung himself at her and knocked her axe out of her hands, as Toothless pushed her over backwards. A vicious crack indicated she had knocked her head on a rock, knocking her out cold.

---(Time skips will be marked by this 🦅)---

Astrid sat up, dazedly trying to figure out what had happened. She rubbed her eyes, feeling horribly sick and dizzy, and slowly opened them. Immediately everything was a swirling vortex of blinding lights and colours and she gasped, feeling even sicker.

Slowly, she opened her eyes again to slightly better results.

It was horrific.

There was a stain of blood by the lake, and black scales scattered around the cove. Astrid shot up, and her eyes caught a glimpse of something glinting in the water. She ran to the lake, and fished it out. It was a small dagger. There were initials carved into the blade which read "H. H. H. III". Astrid let the facts sink in... Hiccup was dead. The dragon had eaten him. 

Her sick feeling multiplying tenfold, Astrid got up and ran. Just ran. She didn't know where, she just ran away from the cove, from that terrible sight. Dizziness got the better of her eventually though, and she collapsed again in the forest.

"Okay there, Bud?" Asked Hiccup, patting Toothless's head. Toothless looked back, warbling. Hiccup smiled. No more dragon killing. No more expectations to live up to. He was free, with his best friend, and the world was waiting for him. "Let's go, Bud!" He exclaimed. He clicked Toothless's tail control and they rocketed forward, to a new life ahead of them.

Okay, so this is quite a short part, but- it's the prologue! Prologues aren't meant to be long. I hope you like it, but be warned: updates are when I feel like it. See you later, Night Furies!

This chapter edited as of 10th of June 2019.

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