Chapter 3

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Hiccup was carried along in the grip of the Stormcutter. He had panicked about Toothless at first, but when he looked behind him he saw the reassuring shape of the dragon being carried by a Thunderclaw behind him. He tried to talk to the Stormcutter.

"Hey, where are you taking me?" He said, addressing the dragon. It peered down at him, spreading it's second pair of wings.

"You speak our language, little one? Unusual. Most little ones kill us." It replied.

"I won't hurt you. I'm not like the others."

"We shall see."

"Where are you taking me?"

"Persistent, aren't you, little one. Shadowstaff tells me to bring you to the king. That is all I know. We are nearing the nest!" It said. It looked ahead again, and swooped forward.

They nipped through passages and tunnels, until they came to a huge cave enclosed in spikes of ice. And in it, flying round the column in the were-

"Dragons..." Murmured Hiccup. The cave was filled with hundreds of dragons in every shape, size and colour.

The Stormcutter dropped him on the grassy patch just before a large cliff at the edge of the cave, flew to a little further along, and landed.

A figure slid down from the Stormcutter's back. She was a tall woman, but ascertaining her identity wasn't really possible, because, like Hiccup, she wore a mask. She advanced towards him. Hiccup backed away.

"Who- are you? Shadowstaff? Why have you kidnapped me? Do you even understand what I'm saying?" Said Hiccup.

The woman waved her staff to the Stormcutter, who relaxed, and began to preen his wings.

Then, she turned to Hiccup.

She walked towards him.

"Eh.. Errr..." he said, backing away. She leant towards him, and gently took a hold of his mask. Hiccup leant back as far as he could, but there was no more room to back into. Suddenly the woman drew back with a gasp.

"Hiccup?" She asked, he voice muffled by the mask. She took it off, revealing a long, pointed face with green eyes and brown hair. "Cou- Could it be? After all these years? How is this possible? Are you the one with the dragon's soul? The Night Soul?"

"Er, should I- Should I know you? And what do you mean?" He said, backing away further.

"No, you were only a babe." She said. "But a mother never forgets." Hiccup gasped, all other thoughts forgotten.

"Hold on, wait just a minute. You're my mother? I mean do you grasp how insane it sounds? Everyone thinks you were eaten by-" Suddenly it all fell into place. His mother, Valka, gestured with her staff to the Stormcutter, who tilted his head to one side, warbling.

"So, little one. You have met Shadowstaff." He said.

"Oh, Cloudjumper never meant to harm me. He must have thought I belonged here, in the home of the great Bewilderbeast. The Alpha species, one of the very few that still exist." She gestured to a huge lake being fed by a waterfall, in which slept the biggest dragon Hiccup had ever seen.

"Every nest has it's queen, but this is the king of all dragons! With his icy breath, this graceful giant built our nest. A safe haven for dragons everywhere!" Valka continued.

But she was interrupted when Toothless was dropped behind them.

"Toothless! You're okay!" Hiccup rushed and hugged him. Toothless warbled.

But his reunion was short-lived, as the king had woken up, and was standing. Toothless bowed his head, and the king looked at Cloudjumper.

"This is the one? The one with the Night Soul?" He asked.

"He is, Icemaster." Cloudjumper affirmed.

"Hm. A bit scrawny."

"I am not scrawny!" Hiccup snapped. Valka stared at him.

"You - You speak their language?" She questioned. But Hiccup didn't answer.

"A bit on the small side, anyway." The Bewilderbeast corrected himself, completely unfazed by Hiccup speaking Dragonese.

"You aren't surprised that I speak your language? Everyone else is." Said Hiccup, a little nonplussed.

"Oh, no. I knew that you would be able to speak our language. For most little ones, it is impossible. But you can. You, little one, have the soul of a Night Fury. The Night Soul. You have an affinity with us dragons, am I right?"

"Yes, you're right."

"It is because, inside, you are a Night Fury in the body of a little one. I will teach you to use your inner Night Fury, to harness it, and to eventually transform into one. But first, we must let you out. But it is a dangerous process. Do you wish to do it?" He asked.

Hiccup took a deep breath.

"Yes. I'm ready." He said. The Bewilderbeast roared, and all the dragons in the cave flew behind him.

"Just as we practised." The Bewilderbeast said. All the dragons suddenly blew out flames at Hiccup, engulfing him in a ball of pulsating white fire.

"Hiccup!" Exclaimed Valka.

Haha, another cliffhanger! I like leaving you lot hanging. Next chapter coming out soon. 

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