Pending Issues

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I ran to the base as fast as I could, I wanted to get away from all of them, I couldn't let them catch me, I simply refused.

I went back to the base and ran to give the report to Sen and see how the confrontation had come. I also wanted to see how Hokuto was and as I arrived running I kept screaming

"Sen! Sen!" - I yelled at him, but...I was knocked over for something

"Natsume! Stop!" Kagari yelled at me. He knocked me down, followed me here.

Immediately Sen indicated the others to get him, but then he pulled out a gun

"Don't move!! Or she dies!" - he screamed holding me by the neck and pointing me with the gun in my head

"Don't be stupid! You are one and we are many more! Let Tachibana go!" Sen screamed.

"Don't be stupid Kagari, they'll kill you." - I whispered to him

"Shut up, Natsume!" He shouted at me

"You can't kill me." - I said in a higher tone

"You want to see?" - he asked me pressing the gun on my head

"Then do it, if you have the gills do it, what are you waiting for? Do it! Kill me!" I shouted loudly. All the members of the guild remained silent.

Kagari tried to pull the trigger, but he just couldn't. He released me and threw the weapon away, he couldn't stand by himself anymore and fell on his knees. He seemed as he was very sorry.

"Take and lock him down! Maybe he'll help us later." - Sen ordered. Two men grabbed his arms and took him away.

Some part of me wanted to let them take him away, to be locked up for what he did, but on the other hand, I couldn't let it happen.

"Sen, I will go to my room and then to check the ground a little, okay?"

"Yes, perfect Tachibana. Certainly, very good job with the bombs" - he said to me. I smiled back and left.

I didn't think anything, I went directly to the underground, where they put the invading prisoners, sure Kagari is there. I walked down that hallway, barely had a spotlight all the way, felt the tense air.

There were many metal doors, all of them can be open with a code of a plate, the plate they give us. I saw through a hole in a door and I could see Kagari, handcuffed behind his back, to a pole that was inside the room.

I opened the door and Kagari was startled and much more to see me.

"Nat...Natsume, what are you doing here?" - he asked surprised. I didn't respond to him, I simply approached. Kagari, at first closed his eyes but, I just took one of his hair clips to which he replied

"What are you doing?"

"Shut up." I answered. And in a few movements I got to unlock the handcuffs from his hands with the clip. He was simply surprised and looked at me very confused.

"Follow me." I said as I walked out the door. Kagari immediately stopped and ran to walk after me.

I took him through the back door to a place I had discovered, a while ago, it was a quiet place about 15 minutes from the base.

According to the data is a historical monument of Shambala Float, there are some parts in ruins and around there is a green grass, flowers, shrubs and all of that. What conveys me peace.

"What is this place?" He asked me confused

"I found it a while ago. It's the only place where I can think quiet."

"And what are you thinking about?"

"Everything" - I replied

"Natsume, why did you run away? You... left me alone there."

"I didn't want to do it, I seriously didn't want, any of the things you mentioned, but...I had to survive." - I answered

"Why did you become a terrorist? Really, why?"

"I have pending issues that I can only resolve by other means." - I answered lowering my head

"Is that the same reason you shot me before I went into the basement of Nona Tower?" He asked very serious

"Get over it, Kagari!"

"You left me alone Natsume." - he said changing the subject


"Do you have any idea how sad were the days without you? My life had no longer any sense."


"And you...and don't seem to care!" He said raising his voice. After the shout, tears began to fall from his eyes. Those brown eyes that I had missed so much to see.

I went up to him and caressed his cheek

"There isn't a day I stopped thinking about you, thinking about going back, but I just couldn't." - I said

"Shut up silly..." - he said as our lips collided in a kiss.

Psycho Pass: Plastic Beautiful World {Kagari x OC}Where stories live. Discover now